/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Jon Turney * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * */ #include "ListView.h" #include "LogSingleton.h" #include "resource.h" #include "String++.h" #include // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // implements class ListView // // ListView Common Control // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ListView::init(HWND parent, int id, HeaderList headers) { hWndParent = parent; // locate the listview control hWndListView = ::GetDlgItem(parent, id); // configure the listview control SendMessage(hWndListView, CCM_SETVERSION, 6, 0); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hWndListView, LVS_EX_COLUMNSNAPPOINTS | // use cxMin LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP); // headers can be re-ordered // give the header control a border HWND hWndHeader = ListView_GetHeader(hWndListView); SetWindowLongPtr(hWndHeader, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hWndHeader, GWL_STYLE) | WS_BORDER); // ensure an initial item exists for width calculations... LVITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.pszText = const_cast ("Working..."); ListView_InsertItem(hWndListView, &lvi); // populate with columns initColumns(headers); // create a small icon imagelist // (the order of images matches ListViewLine::State enum) hImgList = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR32, 2, 0); ImageList_AddIcon(hImgList, LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_TREE_PLUS))); ImageList_AddIcon(hImgList, LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_TREE_MINUS))); // create an empty imagelist, used to reset the indent hEmptyImgList = ImageList_Create(1, 1, ILC_COLOR32, 2, 0); // LVS_EX_INFOTIP/LVN_GETINFOTIP doesn't work for subitems, so we have to do // our own tooltip handling hWndTip = CreateWindowEx (0, (LPCTSTR) TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hWndParent, (HMENU) 0, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); // must be topmost so that tooltips will display on top SetWindowPos(hWndTip, HWND_TOPMOST,0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); TOOLINFO ti; memset ((void *)&ti, 0, sizeof(ti)); ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.hwnd = hWndParent; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)hWndListView; ti.lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; // use TTN_GETDISPINFO SendMessage(hWndTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti); // match long delay for tooltip to disappear used elsewhere (30s) SendMessage(hWndTip, TTM_SETDELAYTIME, TTDT_AUTOPOP, (LPARAM) MAKELONG (30000, 0)); // match tip width used elsewhere SendMessage(hWndTip, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 450); // switch to using wide-char WM_NOTIFY messages ListView_SetUnicodeFormat(hWndListView, TRUE); } void ListView::initColumns(HeaderList headers_) { // store HeaderList for later use headers = headers_; // create the columns LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; int i; for (i = 0; headers[i].text != 0; i++) { lvc.iSubItem = i; lvc.pszText = const_cast (headers[i].text); lvc.cx = 100; lvc.fmt = headers[i].fmt; ListView_InsertColumn(hWndListView, i, &lvc); } // now do some width calculations for (i = 0; headers[i].text != 0; i++) { headers[i].width = 0; ListView_SetColumnWidth(hWndListView, i, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); headers[i].hdr_width = ListView_GetColumnWidth(hWndListView, i); } } void ListView::noteColumnWidthStart() { dc = GetDC (hWndListView); // we must set the font of the DC here, otherwise the width calculations // will be off because the system will use the wrong font metrics HANDLE sysfont = GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); SelectObject (dc, sysfont); int i; for (i = 0; headers[i].text != 0; i++) { headers[i].width = 0; } } void ListView::noteColumnWidth(int col_num, const std::string& string) { SIZE s = { 0, 0 }; // A margin of 3*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE) is used at each side of the // header text. int addend = 2*3*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); if (string.size()) GetTextExtentPoint32 (dc, string.c_str(), string.size(), &s); int width = addend + s.cx; // allow for width of dropdown button in popup columns if (headers[col_num].type == ListView::ControlType::popup) { width += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); } if (width > headers[col_num].width) headers[col_num].width = width; } void ListView::noteColumnWidthEnd() { ReleaseDC(hWndListView, dc); } void ListView::resizeColumns(void) { // ensure the last column stretches all the way to the right-hand side of the // listview control int i; int total = 0; for (i = 0; headers[i].text != 0; i++) total = total + headers[i].width; RECT r; GetClientRect(hWndListView, &r); int width = r.right - r.left; if (total < width) headers[i-1].width += width - total; // size each column LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_MINWIDTH; for (i = 0; headers[i].text != 0; i++) { lvc.iSubItem = i; lvc.cx = (headers[i].width < headers[i].hdr_width) ? headers[i].hdr_width : headers[i].width; lvc.cxMin = headers[i].hdr_width; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "resizeColumns: " << i << " cx " << lvc.cx << " cxMin " << lvc.cxMin <size(); i++) { LVITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | (tree ? LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_INDENT : 0); lvi.iItem = i; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; if (tree) { lvi.iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; lvi.iIndent = (*contents)[i]->get_indent(); } ListView_InsertItem(hWndListView, &lvi); } if (iRow >= 0) { ListView_SetItemState(hWndListView, iRow, LVNI_SELECTED | LVNI_FOCUSED, LVNI_SELECTED | LVNI_FOCUSED); ListView_EnsureVisible(hWndListView, iRow, false); } // enable redrawing of ListView and redraw SendMessage(hWndListView, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); RedrawWindow(hWndListView, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } // Helper class: The pointer we hand back needs to remain valid for some time // after OnNotify returns, when the string object we have retrieved has gone out // of scope, so a static instance of this class maintains a local cache. template class StringCache { typedef typename T::traits_type::char_type char_type; public: StringCache() : cache(NULL), cache_size(0) { } StringCache & operator = (const T & s) { if ((s.length() + 1) > cache_size) { cache_size = s.length() + 1; cache = (char_type *)realloc(cache, cache_size * sizeof(char_type)); } memcpy(cache, s.c_str(), cache_size * sizeof(char_type)); return *this; } operator char_type *() const { return cache; } private: char_type *cache; size_t cache_size; }; bool ListView::OnNotify (NMHDR *pNmHdr, LRESULT *pResult) { #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "ListView::OnNotify id:" << pNmHdr->idFrom << " hwnd:" << pNmHdr->hwndFrom << " code:" << (int)pNmHdr->code << endLog; #endif switch (pNmHdr->code) { case LVN_GETDISPINFOW: { NMLVDISPINFOW *pNmLvDispInfo = (NMLVDISPINFOW *)pNmHdr; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "LVN_GETDISPINFO " << pNmLvDispInfo->item.iItem << endLog; #endif if (contents) { int iRow = pNmLvDispInfo->item.iItem; int iCol = pNmLvDispInfo->item.iSubItem; static StringCache s; s = (*contents)[iRow]->get_text(iCol); pNmLvDispInfo->item.pszText = s; if (pNmLvDispInfo->item.iSubItem == 0) { pNmLvDispInfo->item.iImage = (int)((*contents)[pNmLvDispInfo->item.iItem]->get_state()); } } return true; } break; case LVN_GETEMPTYMARKUP: { NMLVEMPTYMARKUP *pNmMarkup = (NMLVEMPTYMARKUP*) pNmHdr; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, empty_list_text, -1, pNmMarkup->szMarkup, L_MAX_URL_LENGTH); *pResult = true; return true; } break; case NM_CLICK: { NMITEMACTIVATE *pNmItemAct = (NMITEMACTIVATE *) pNmHdr; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "NM_CLICK: pnmitem->iItem " << pNmItemAct->iItem << " pNmItemAct->iSubItem " << pNmItemAct->iSubItem << endLog; #endif int iRow = pNmItemAct->iItem; int iCol = pNmItemAct->iSubItem; if (iRow < 0) return false; int update = 0; if (headers[iCol].type == ListView::ControlType::popup) { POINT p; GetCursorPos(&p); RECT r; ListView_GetSubItemRect(hWndListView, iRow, iCol, LVIR_BOUNDS, &r); POINT cp = p; ::ScreenToClient(hWndListView, &cp); // if the click isn't over the pop-up button, do nothing yet (but this // might be followed by a NM_DBLCLK) if (cp.x < r.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)) return true; // position pop-up menu at the location of the click update = popup_menu(iRow, iCol, p); } else { // Inform the item of the click update = (*contents)[iRow]->do_action(iCol, 0); } // Update items, if needed if (update > 0) { ListView_RedrawItems(hWndListView, iRow, iRow + update -1); } return true; } break; case NM_DBLCLK: { NMITEMACTIVATE *pNmItemAct = (NMITEMACTIVATE *) pNmHdr; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "NM_DBLCLICK: pnmitem->iItem " << pNmItemAct->iItem << " pNmItemAct->iSubItem " << pNmItemAct->iSubItem << endLog; #endif int iRow = pNmItemAct->iItem; int iCol = pNmItemAct->iSubItem; if (iRow < 0) return false; int update = 0; // Inform the item of the double-click update = (*contents)[iRow]->do_default_action(iCol ); // Update items, if needed if (update > 0) { ListView_RedrawItems(hWndListView, iRow, iRow + update -1); } return true; } break; case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *pNmLvCustomDraw = (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW *)pNmHdr; switch(pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT: *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; return true; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; return true; case CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: { LRESULT result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; int iCol = pNmLvCustomDraw->iSubItem; int iRow = pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.dwItemSpec; switch (headers[iCol].type) { default: case ListView::ControlType::text: result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; break; case ListView::ControlType::checkbox: { // get the subitem text (as ASCII) char buf[3]; ListView_GetItemText(hWndListView, iRow, iCol, buf, _countof(buf)); // map the subitem text to a checkbox state UINT state = DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_FLAT; if (buf[0] == '\0') // empty { result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; break; } else if (buf[0] == 'y') // yes state |= DFCS_CHECKED; else if ((buf[0] == 'n') && (buf[1] == 'o')) // no state |= 0; else // n/a state |= DFCS_INACTIVE; // erase and draw a checkbox RECT r; ListView_GetSubItemRect(hWndListView, iRow, iCol, LVIR_BOUNDS, &r); DWORD bkg_color; if (pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.uItemState & CDIS_SELECTED) bkg_color = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); else bkg_color = ListView_GetBkColor(hWndListView); HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(bkg_color); FillRect(pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.hdc, &r, hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush); DrawFrameControl(pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.hdc, &r, DFC_BUTTON, state); result = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; } break; case ListView::ControlType::popup: { // let the control draw the text, but notify us afterwards result = CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT; } break; } *pResult = result; return true; } case CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT: { LRESULT result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; int iCol = pNmLvCustomDraw->iSubItem; int iRow = pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.dwItemSpec; switch (headers[iCol].type) { default: result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; break; case ListView::ControlType::popup: { // draw the control at the RHS of the cell RECT r; ListView_GetSubItemRect(hWndListView, iRow, iCol, LVIR_BOUNDS, &r); r.left = r.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); DrawFrameControl(pNmLvCustomDraw->nmcd.hdc, &r, DFC_SCROLL,DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX); result = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } break; } *pResult = result; return true; } } } break; case LVN_HOTTRACK: { NMLISTVIEW *pNmListView = (NMLISTVIEW *)pNmHdr; int iRow = pNmListView->iItem; int iCol = pNmListView->iSubItem; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "LVN_HOTTRACK " << iRow << " " << iCol << endLog; #endif if (iRow < 0) return true; // if we've tracked off to a different cell if ((iRow != iRow_track) || (iCol != iCol_track)) { #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "LVN_HOTTRACK changed cell" << endLog; #endif // if the tooltip for previous cell is displayed, remove it // restart the tooltip AUTOPOP timer for this cell SendMessage(hWndTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, FALSE, 0); SendMessage(hWndTip, TTM_ACTIVATE, TRUE, 0); iRow_track = iRow; iCol_track = iCol; } return true; } break; case LVN_KEYDOWN: { NMLVKEYDOWN *pNmLvKeyDown = (NMLVKEYDOWN *)pNmHdr; int iRow = ListView_GetSelectionMark(hWndListView); #if DEBUG Log (LOG_PLAIN) << "LVN_KEYDOWN vkey " << pNmLvKeyDown->wVKey << " on row " << iRow << endLog; #endif if (contents && iRow >= 0) { int col_num; int action_id; if ((*contents)[iRow]->map_key_to_action(pNmLvKeyDown->wVKey, &col_num, &action_id)) { int update; if (action_id >= 0) update = (*contents)[iRow]->do_action(col_num, action_id); else { POINT p; RECT r; ListView_GetSubItemRect(hWndListView, iRow, col_num, LVIR_BOUNDS, &r); p.x = r.left; p.y = r.top; ClientToScreen(hWndListView, &p); update = popup_menu(iRow, col_num, p); } if (update > 0) ListView_RedrawItems(hWndListView, iRow, iRow + update -1); } } } break; case TTN_GETDISPINFO: { // convert mouse position to item/subitem LVHITTESTINFO lvHitTestInfo; lvHitTestInfo.flags = LVHT_ONITEM; GetCursorPos(&lvHitTestInfo.pt); ::ScreenToClient(hWndListView, &lvHitTestInfo.pt); ListView_SubItemHitTest(hWndListView, &lvHitTestInfo); int iRow = lvHitTestInfo.iItem; int iCol = lvHitTestInfo.iSubItem; if (iRow < 0) return false; #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "TTN_GETDISPINFO " << iRow << " " << iCol << endLog; #endif // get the tooltip text for that item/subitem static StringCache tooltip; tooltip = ""; if (contents) tooltip = (*contents)[iRow]->get_tooltip(iCol); // set the tooltip text NMTTDISPINFO *pNmTTDispInfo = (NMTTDISPINFO *)pNmHdr; pNmTTDispInfo->lpszText = tooltip; pNmTTDispInfo->hinst = NULL; pNmTTDispInfo->uFlags = 0; return true; } break; } // We don't care. return false; } void ListView::empty(void) { ListView_DeleteAllItems(hWndListView); } void ListView::setEmptyText(const char *text) { empty_list_text = text; } int ListView::popup_menu(int iRow, int iCol, POINT p) { int update = 0; // construct menu HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); MENUITEMINFOW mii; memset(&mii, 0, sizeof(mii)); mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_STRING | MIIM_ID; mii.fType = MFT_STRING; ActionList *al = (*contents)[iRow]->get_actions(iCol); Actions::iterator i; int j = 1; for (i = al->list.begin (); i != al->list.end (); ++i, ++j) { BOOL res; mii.dwTypeData = const_cast (i->name.c_str()); mii.fState = (i->selected ? MFS_CHECKED : MFS_UNCHECKED | i->enabled ? MFS_ENABLED : MFS_DISABLED); mii.wID = j; res = InsertMenuItemW(hMenu, -1, TRUE, &mii); if (!res) Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "InsertMenuItem failed " << endLog; } int id = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_NOANIMATION, p.x, p.y, 0, hWndListView, NULL); // Inform the item of the menu choice if (id) update = (*contents)[iRow]->do_action(iCol, al->list[id-1].id); DestroyMenu(hMenu); delete al; return update; }