ascii.exe dumps the 256 ascii characters to stdout using a nice format (GPL) dump.exe [file] hex dump of file to stdout, using a nice format (GPL) putclip.exe copies stdin to the Windows clipboard does NOT use Cygwin's /dev/clipboard Not build unless on a WIN32 platform (GPL) getclip.exe copies the Windows clipboard to stdout does NOT use Cygwin's /dev/clipboard Not build unless on a WIN32 platform (GPL) conv.exe / d2u.exe / u2d.exe / dos2unix.exe / unix2dos.exe programs for converting line endings of text files between DOS and UNIX format. (GPL) HEAVILY modified, but core routine is based on the hd2d-0.5.12 distribution, available here: by Peter Hanecak. msgtool.exe / shmtool.exe / semtool.exe / semstat.exe These programs were taken from "Linux Programmer's Guide - Chapter 6" with a few changes so that they build cleanly. The original versions were written by (C)opyright 1994-1995, Scott Burkett. ** MODULE: msgtool A command line tool for tinkering with SysV style Message Queues ** MODULE: semtool A command line tool for tinkering with SysV style Semaphore Sets ** MODULE: semstat Another tool for tinkering with Semaphore Sets ** MODULE: shmtool A command line tool for tinkering with shared memory For information on how to use these tools, call them with the '-?' option. Also, see the Linux Programmer's Guide -- the IPC chapter is included with the cygipc distribution. These tools can only be built if IPC functions are available. On cygwin, that (currently) means "only if the cygipc package is installed" or "if using a cygwin kernel newer than 1.5.5" (GPL) banner.exe prints a large banner to stdout. From Joerg Schaible. (GPL) namei.exe follow a pathname until a terminal point is found (GPL - originally public domain) cal.exe displays a calendar (BSD-no-advert [*]) realpath.exe Convert pathname argumen to absolute path, with all references to `.', `..', and symlinks resolved. (GPL) ddate.exe converts boring normal dates to fun Discordian Date (GPL - originally public domain) lpr.exe can be used to spool to a windows printer (GPL) mkshortcut.exe can be used to create "full featured" windows shortcuts (as opposed to cygwin-symlinks implemented using .lnk files, which aren't really "full-featured") (GPL) readshortcut.exe can be used to read information from windows shortcuts (such as target, icon, window state, etc) (GPL) cygstart.exe A command-line tool which allows you to let Windows start a program or open a file or URL in its associated application. It is similar to the Windows command-line start command. (GPL) col.exe Filters out reverse (and half reverse) line feeds so that the output is in the correct order with only forward and half forward line feeds, and replaces white-space characters with tabs where possible. (BSD-no-advert [*]) getopt.exe an enhanced command option parser for use in shell scripts. Taken from util-linux. (GPL) rev.exe reverse lines of a file. The rev utility copies the specified files to the standard output, reversing the order of characters in every line. If no files are speci- fied, the standard input is read. (BSD-no-advert [*]) column.exe columnate lists The column utility formats its input into multiple columns. Rows are filled before columns. Input is taken from file operands, or, by default, from the standard input. Empty lines are ignored. (BSD-no-advert [*]) colcrt.exe filter nroff output for CRT previewing Colcrt provides virtual half-line and reverse line feed sequences for terminals without such capability, and on which overstriking is destruc- tive. Half-line characters and underlining (changed to dashing `-') are placed on new lines in between the normal output lines. (BSD-no-advert [*]) colrm.exe remove columns from a file Colrm removes selected columns from a file. Input is taken from standard input. Output is sent to standard output. (BSD-no-advert [*]) mcookie.exe generate magic cookies for xauth mcookie generates a 128-bit random hexadecimal number for use with the X authority system. Typical usage: xauth add :0 . `mcookie` (GPL - originally public domain) ipck: IPC utility brought over from cygipc. (GPL) rename: flexible file rename utility from util-linux package (BSD-no-advert[*]) (*) originally BSD+advert, but falls under the blanket conversion to BSD-no-advert, because it was originally part of the UCB BSD distro. : Note: The advertising clause in the license appearing on BSD Unix files was officially rescinded by the Director of the Office of Technology Licensing of the University of California on July 22 1999. He states that clause 3 is "hereby deleted in its entirety." Note: "last.exe" and "utmpdump.exe" were previously provided by cygutils. However, once the `sysvinit' package was added to the cygwin distribution, they were removed. They are now provided by `sysvinit' -- which is where we took them from in the first place.