/* * Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Collins. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Robert Collins * */ #include "PickCategoryLine.h" #include "package_db.h" #include "PickView.h" void PickCategoryLine::empty (void) { while (bucket.size ()) { PickLine *line = *bucket.begin (); delete line; bucket.erase (bucket.begin ()); } } void PickCategoryLine::paint (HDC hdc, HRGN hUpdRgn, int x, int y, int row, int show_cat) { int r = y + row * theView.row_height; if (show_label) { int x2 = x + theView.headers[theView.cat_col].x + HMARGIN / 2 + depth * TREE_INDENT; int by = r + (theView.tm.tmHeight / 2) - 5; // draw the '+' or '-' box theView.DrawIcon (hdc, x2, by, (collapsed ? theView.bm_treeplus : theView.bm_treeminus)); // draw the category name TextOut (hdc, x2 + 11 + ICON_MARGIN, r, cat.first.c_str(), cat.first.size()); if (!labellength) { SIZE s; GetTextExtentPoint32 (hdc, cat.first.c_str(), cat.first.size(), &s); labellength = s.cx; } // draw the 'spin' glyph spin_x = x2 + 11 + ICON_MARGIN + labellength + ICON_MARGIN; theView.DrawIcon (hdc, spin_x, by, theView.bm_spin); // draw the caption ('Default', 'Install', etc) TextOut (hdc, spin_x + SPIN_WIDTH + ICON_MARGIN, r, current_default.caption (), strlen (current_default.caption ())); row++; } if (collapsed) return; // are the siblings containers? if (bucket.size () && bucket[0]->IsContainer ()) { for (size_t n = 0; n < bucket.size (); n++) { bucket[n]->paint (hdc, hUpdRgn, x, y, row, show_cat); row += bucket[n]->itemcount (); } } else { // calculate the maximum y value we expect for this group of lines int max_y = y + (row + bucket.size ()) * theView.row_height; // paint all contained rows, columnwise for (int i = 0; theView.headers[i].text; i++) { RECT r; r.left = x + theView.headers[i].x; r.right = r.left + theView.headers[i].width; // set up a clipping mask if necessary if (theView.headers[i].needs_clip) IntersectClipRect (hdc, r.left, y, r.right, max_y); // draw each row in this column for (unsigned int n = 0; n < bucket.size (); n++) { // test for visibility r.top = y + ((row + n) * theView.row_height); r.bottom = r.top + theView.row_height; if (RectVisible (hdc, &r) != 0) bucket[n]->paint (hdc, hUpdRgn, (int)r.left, (int)r.top, i, show_cat); } // restore original clipping area if (theView.headers[i].needs_clip) SelectClipRgn (hdc, hUpdRgn); } } } int PickCategoryLine::click (int const myrow, int const ClickedRow, int const x) { if (myrow == ClickedRow && show_label) { if ((size_t) x >= spin_x) { ++current_default; packagedb().markUnVisited(); return set_action (current_default); } else { collapsed = !collapsed; int accum_row = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < bucket.size (); ++n) accum_row += bucket[n]->itemcount (); return collapsed ? accum_row : -accum_row; } } else { int accum_row = myrow + (show_label ? 1 : 0); for (size_t n = 0; n < bucket.size (); ++n) { if (accum_row + bucket[n]->itemcount () > ClickedRow) return bucket[n]->click (accum_row, ClickedRow, x); accum_row += bucket[n]->itemcount (); } return 0; } } int PickCategoryLine::set_action (packagemeta::_actions action) { theView.GetParent ()->SetBusy (); current_default = action; int accum_diff = 0; for (size_t n = 0; n < bucket.size (); n++) accum_diff += bucket[n]->set_action (current_default); theView.GetParent ()->ClearBusy (); return accum_diff; }