/* * Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Collins. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Robert Collins * */ #include "PickPackageLine.h" #include "PickView.h" #include "package_version.h" void PickPackageLine::DrawCheck (int const checked, HDC hdc, int const column, HRGN const clip, int const x, int const by) { HANDLE check_bm; if (checked == 0) check_bm = theView.bm_checkna; else if (checked == 1) check_bm = theView.bm_checkyes; else if (checked == 2) check_bm = theView.bm_checkno; else return; SelectObject (theView.bitmap_dc, check_bm); IntersectClipRect (hdc, x + theView.headers[column].x, by, x + theView.headers[column].x + theView.headers[column].width, by + 11); BitBlt (hdc, x + theView.headers[column].x + HMARGIN / 2, by, 11, 11, theView.bitmap_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectClipRgn (hdc, clip); } void PickPackageLine::paint (HDC hdc, int x, int y, int row, int show_cat) { int r = y + row * theView.row_height; int rb = r + theView.tm.tmHeight; int by = rb - 11; // top of box images int oldDC = SaveDC (hdc); if (!oldDC) return; HRGN oldClip = CreateRectRgn (0, 0, 0, 0); if (GetRandomRgn (hdc, oldClip, SYSRGN) == -1) { RestoreDC (hdc, oldDC); return; } HRGN oldClip2; if (Win32::OS() == Win32::WinNT) { unsigned int regionsize = GetRegionData (oldClip, 0, 0); LPRGNDATA oldClipData = (LPRGNDATA) malloc (regionsize); if (GetRegionData (oldClip, regionsize, oldClipData) > regionsize) { RestoreDC (hdc, oldDC); DeleteObject (oldClip); return; } for (unsigned int n = 0; n < oldClipData->rdh.nCount; n++) for (unsigned int t = 0; t < 2; t++) ScreenToClient (WindowFromDC (hdc), &((POINT *) oldClipData->Buffer)[t + n * 2]); oldClip2 = ExtCreateRegion (NULL, regionsize, oldClipData); } else oldClip2 = oldClip; SelectClipRgn (hdc, oldClip2); if (pkg.installed) { IntersectClipRect (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.current_col].x, r, x + theView.headers[theView.current_col].x + theView.headers[theView.current_col].width, rb); TextOut (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.current_col].x + HMARGIN / 2, r, pkg.installed.Canonical_version ().cstr_oneuse(), pkg.installed.Canonical_version ().size()); SelectObject (theView.bitmap_dc, theView.bm_rtarrow); BitBlt (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].x + HMARGIN / 2, by, 11, 11, theView.bitmap_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectClipRgn (hdc, oldClip2); } String s = pkg.action_caption (); IntersectClipRect (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].x, r, x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].width, rb); TextOut (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].x + HMARGIN / 2 + NEW_COL_SIZE_SLOP, r, s.cstr_oneuse(), s.size()); SelectObject (theView.bitmap_dc, theView.bm_spin); BitBlt (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.new_col].x + ICON_MARGIN / 2 + RTARROW_WIDTH + HMARGIN / 2, by, 11, 11, theView.bitmap_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectClipRgn (hdc, oldClip2); int checked; if (/* uninstall or skip */ !pkg.desired || /* current version */ pkg.desired == pkg.installed || /* no source */ !pkg.desired.accessible()) checked = 0; else if (pkg.desired.picked()) checked = 1; else checked = 2; DrawCheck (checked, hdc, theView.bintick_col, oldClip2, x, by); if ( /* uninstall */ !pkg.desired || /* source only */ (!pkg.desired.picked() && pkg.desired.sourcePackage().picked() && pkg.desired == pkg.installed) || /* when no source mirror available */ !pkg.desired.sourcePackage().accessible()) checked = 0; else if (pkg.desired.sourcePackage().picked()) checked = 1; else checked = 2; DrawCheck (checked, hdc, theView.srctick_col, oldClip2, x, by); /* shows "first" category - do we want to show any? */ if (pkg.categories.size () && show_cat) { String catName = pkg.getReadableCategoryList(); IntersectClipRect (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.cat_col].x, r, x + theView.headers[theView.cat_col].x + theView.headers[theView.cat_col].width - HMARGIN / 2, rb); TextOut (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.cat_col].x + HMARGIN / 2, r, catName.cstr_oneuse(), catName.size()); SelectClipRgn (hdc, oldClip2); } s = pkg.name; if (pkg.SDesc ().size()) s += String(": ") + pkg.SDesc (); IntersectClipRect (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.pkg_col].x, r, x + theView.headers[theView.pkg_col].x + theView.headers[theView.pkg_col].width, rb); TextOut (hdc, x + theView.headers[theView.pkg_col].x + HMARGIN / 2, r, s.cstr_oneuse(), s.size()); DeleteObject (oldClip); DeleteObject (oldClip2); RestoreDC (hdc, oldDC); } int PickPackageLine::click (int const myrow, int const ClickedRow, int const x) { // assert (myrow == ClickedRow); if (pkg.desired.accessible () && x >= theView.headers[theView.bintick_col].x - HMARGIN / 2 && x <= theView.headers[theView.bintick_col + 1].x - HMARGIN / 2) pkg.desired.pick(!pkg.desired.picked()); if (pkg.desired.sourcePackage ().accessible () && x >= theView.headers[theView.srctick_col].x - HMARGIN / 2 && x <= theView.headers[theView.srctick_col + 1].x - HMARGIN / 2) pkg.desired.sourcePackage().pick(!pkg.desired.sourcePackage().picked()); if (x >= theView.headers[theView.new_col].x - HMARGIN / 2 && x <= theView.headers[theView.new_col + 1].x - HMARGIN / 2) pkg.set_action (pkg.trustp(theView.deftrust)); packagemeta::PrepareForVisit(); /* Add any packages that are needed by this package */ return pkg.set_requirements (); } int PickPackageLine::set_action (packagemeta::_actions action) { pkg.set_action (action , pkg.trustp(theView.deftrust)); return pkg.set_requirements(theView.deftrust) + 1; }