This collection started life called the "misc" package, but was renamed to "cygutils" at version 0.9.5. Many of these utilities require the popt library, available here: A Note on Licenseing: -------------------------------------- Since this package consists of many small utilities taken from various sources, there are a mixture of licenses. Most of these utilities are released under the GPL, but some were originally public domain but are now GPL, and others are BSD-no-advert. Some files were originally BSD+advert (which is bad, and not GPL compatible). However, IF the files in question were part of the official BSD distribution from UCB, then they have been affirmitively converted from BSD+advert to BSD-no-advert licensing. As stated here : Note: The advertising clause in the license appearing on BSD Unix files was officially rescinded by the Director of the Office of Technology Licensing of the University of California on July 22 1999. He states that clause 3 is "hereby deleted in its entirety." So, files derived from older BSD sources, even if they still SAY BSD+advert, are now BSD-no-advert. In accordance with the wishes of the Director of UC's OTL, I have modified the licensing terms to BSD-no-advert of files included in this package that fall under his edict. What's in this package: ------------------------------- GPL: ascii u2d unix2dos putclip shmtool banner d2u getclip semstat last conv dos2unix msgtool semtool PublicDomain-now-GPL: namei BSD-no-advert: cal