/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by DJ Delorie * */ /* Built-in tar functionality. See tar.h for usage. */ #if 0 static const char *cvsid = "\n%%% $Id$\n"; #endif #include "win32.h" #include #include #include #include #include //#include "zlib/zlib.h" #include "io_stream.h" //#include "compress.h" #include "archive.h" #include "archive_tar.h" #include "mkdir.h" #include "log.h" #include "filemanip.h" #include "port.h" #if 0 #undef _WIN32 #include "bzlib.h" #define FACTOR (0x19db1ded53ea710LL) #define NSPERSEC 10000000LL #define SYMLINK_COOKIE "!" #endif static int err; //static char file_name[_MAX_PATH+512]; //static char have_longname = 0; //static int file_length; static char buf[512]; int _tar_verbose = 0; FILE *_tar_vfile = 0; #define vp if (_tar_verbose) fprintf #define vp2 if (_tar_verbose>1) fprintf archive_tar::archive_tar (io_stream * original) { archive_children = 0; if (_tar_vfile == 0) _tar_vfile = stderr; vp2 (_tar_vfile, "tar: open `%p'\n", original); if (!original) { state.lasterr = EBADF; return; } state.parent = original; if (sizeof (state.tar_header) != 512) { /* drastic, but important */ fprintf (stderr, "compilation error: tar header struct not 512" " bytes (it's %d)\n", sizeof (state.tar_header)); exit_setup (1); } } ssize_t archive_tar::read (void *buffer, size_t len) { return -1; } ssize_t archive_tar::write (const void *buffer, size_t len) { return 0; } ssize_t archive_tar::peek (void *buffer, size_t len) { return 0; } int archive_tar::error () { return state.lasterr; } long archive_tar::tell () { return state.file_offset; } int archive_tar::seek (long where, io_stream_seek_t whence) { /* seeking in the parent archive doesn't make sense. although we could map to files ? Also, seeking might make sense for rewing..?? */ return -1; } int archive_tar::skip_file () { while (state.file_length > state.file_offset) { int len = state.parent->read (buf, 512); state.file_offset += 512; if (len != 512) return 1; } state.file_length = 0; state.file_offset = 0; state.header_read = 0; return 0; } String const archive_tar::next_file_name () { char *c; if (state.header_read) if (strlen (state.filename)) return state.filename; else /* End of tar */ return String(); int r = state.parent->read (&state.tar_header, 512); /* See if we're at end of file */ if (r != 512) return NULL; /* See if the header is all zeros (i.e. last block) */ int n = 0; for (r = 512 / sizeof (int); r; r--) n |= ((int *) &state.tar_header)[r - 1]; if (n == 0) return NULL; if (!state.have_longname && state.tar_header.typeflag != 'L') { memcpy (state.filename, state.tar_header.name, 100); state.filename[100] = 0; } sscanf (state.tar_header.size, "%o", &state.file_length); state.file_offset = 0; // vp2 (_tar_vfile, "%c %9d %s\n", state.tar_header.typeflag, // state.file_length, state.filename); switch (state.tar_header.typeflag) { case 'L': /* GNU tar long name extension */ /* we read the 'file' into the long filename, then call back into here * to find out if the actual file is a real file, or a special file.. */ if (state.file_length > _MAX_PATH) { skip_file (); fprintf (stderr, "error: long file name exceeds %d characters\n", _MAX_PATH); err++; state.parent->read (&state.tar_header, 512); sscanf (state.tar_header.size, "%o", &state.file_length); state.file_offset = 0; skip_file (); return next_file_name (); } c = state.filename; /* FIXME: this should be a single read() call */ while (state.file_length > state.file_offset) { int need = state.file_length - state.file_offset > 512 ? 512 : state.file_length - state.file_offset; if (state.parent->read (buf, 512) < 512) return 0; memcpy (c, buf, need); c += need; state.file_offset += need; } *c = 0; state.have_longname = 1; return next_file_name (); case '3': /* char */ case '4': /* block */ case '6': /* fifo */ fprintf (stderr, "warning: not extracting special file %s\n", state.filename); err++; return next_file_name (); case '0': /* regular file */ case 0: /* regular file also */ case '2': /* symbolic link */ case '5': /* directory */ case '7': /* contiguous file */ state.header_read = 1; return state.filename; case '1': /* hard link, we just copy */ state.header_read = 1; return state.filename; default: fprintf (stderr, "error: unknown (or unsupported) file type `%c'\n", state.tar_header.typeflag); err++; skip_file (); return next_file_name (); } return NULL; } archive_tar::~archive_tar () { if (state.parent) delete state.parent; destroyed = 1; } # if 0 static void fix_time_stamp (char *path) { int mtime; long long ftimev; FILETIME ftime; HANDLE h; sscanf (tar_header.mtime, "%o", &mtime); ftimev = mtime * NSPERSEC + FACTOR; ftime.dwHighDateTime = ftimev >> 32; ftime.dwLowDateTime = ftimev; h = CreateFileA (path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0); if (h) { SetFileTime (h, 0, 0, &ftime); CloseHandle (h); } } #endif archive_file_t archive_tar::next_file_type () { switch (state.tar_header.typeflag) { /* regular files */ case '0': case 0: case '7': return ARCHIVE_FILE_REGULAR; case '1': return ARCHIVE_FILE_HARDLINK; case '5': return ARCHIVE_FILE_DIRECTORY; case '2': return ARCHIVE_FILE_SYMLINK; default: return ARCHIVE_FILE_INVALID; } } String const archive_tar::linktarget () { /* TODO: consider .. path traversal issues */ if (next_file_type () == ARCHIVE_FILE_SYMLINK || next_file_type () == ARCHIVE_FILE_HARDLINK) return state.tar_header.linkname; return String(); } io_stream * archive_tar::extract_file () { if (archive_children) return NULL; archive_tar_file *rv = new archive_tar_file (state); return rv; } int archive_tar::get_mtime () { if (state.parent) return state.parent->get_mtime (); return 0; }