/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2003 Robert Collins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by DJ Delorie * */ /* The purpose of this file is to let the user choose which packages to install, and which versions of the package when more than one version is provided. The "trust" level serves as an indication as to which version should be the default choice. At the moment, all we do is compare with previously installed packages to skip any that are already installed (by setting the action to ACTION_SAME). While the "trust" stuff is supported, it's not really implemented yet. We always prefer the "current" option. In the future, this file might have a user dialog added to let the user choose to not install packages, or to install packages that aren't installed by default. */ #include "win32.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ini.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "resource.h" #include "state.h" #include "msg.h" #include "LogSingleton.h" #include "filemanip.h" #include "io_stream.h" #include "propsheet.h" #include "choose.h" #include "package_db.h" #include "package_meta.h" #include "threebar.h" #include "Generic.h" #include "ControlAdjuster.h" #include "prereq.h" #include "UserSettings.h" #include "Exception.h" #include "getopt++/BoolOption.h" static BoolOption UpgradeAlsoOption (false, 'g', "upgrade-also", "Also upgrade installed packages"); static BoolOption CleanOrphansOption (false, 'o', "delete-orphans", "Remove orphaned packages"); static BoolOption ForceCurrentOption (false, 'f', "force-current", "Select the current version for all packages"); static BoolOption PruneInstallOption (false, 'Y', "prune-install", "Prune the installation to only the requested packages"); extern ThreeBarProgressPage Progress; HWND ChooserPage::ins_dialog; /* Sizing information. */ static ControlAdjuster::ControlInfo ChooserControlsInfo[] = { {IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_LABEL, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP, CP_RIGHT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_BEST, CP_RIGHT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC, CP_RIGHT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_EXP, CP_RIGHT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_VIEWCAPTION, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_CHOOSE_LIST, CP_STRETCH, CP_STRETCH}, {IDC_CHOOSE_HIDE, CP_LEFT, CP_BOTTOM}, {0, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP} }; ChooserPage::ChooserPage () : cmd_show_set (false), saved_geom (false), saw_geom_change (false), timer_id (DEFAULT_TIMER_ID), activated (false) { sizeProcessor.AddControlInfo (ChooserControlsInfo); const char *fg_ret = UserSettings::instance().get ("chooser_window_settings"); if (!fg_ret) return; writer buf; UINT *py = buf.wpi; char *buf_copy = strdup (fg_ret); for (char *p = strtok (buf_copy, ","); p; p = strtok (NULL, ",")) *py++ = atoi (p); free (buf_copy); if ((py - buf.wpi) == (sizeof (buf.wpi) / sizeof (buf.wpi[0]))) { saved_geom = true; window_placement = buf.wp; } } ChooserPage::~ChooserPage () { if (saw_geom_change) { writer buf; buf.wp = window_placement; std::string toset; const char *comma = ""; for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof (buf.wpi) / sizeof (buf.wpi[0])); i++) { char intbuf[33]; sprintf (intbuf, "%u", buf.wpi[i]); toset += comma; toset += intbuf; comma = ","; } UserSettings::instance().set ("chooser_window_settings", toset); } } static ListView::Header pkg_headers[] = { {"Package", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::text}, {"Current", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::text}, {"New", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::popup}, {"Src?", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::checkbox}, {"Categories", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::text}, {"Size", LVCFMT_RIGHT, ListView::ControlType::text}, {"Description", LVCFMT_LEFT, ListView::ControlType::text}, {0} }; void ChooserPage::createListview () { SetBusy (); listview = new ListView(); listview->init(GetHWND (), IDC_CHOOSE_LIST, pkg_headers); chooser = new PickView(); chooser->init(PickView::views::Category, listview, this); chooser->setViewMode (!is_new_install || UpgradeAlsoOption || hasManualSelections ? PickView::views::PackagePending : PickView::views::Category); SendMessage (GetDlgItem (IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW), CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)chooser->getViewMode(), 0); ClearBusy (); } void ChooserPage::initialUpdateState() { // set the initial update state if (ForceCurrentOption) { update_mode_id = IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC; changeTrust(update_mode_id, false, true); } else if (hasManualSelections && !UpgradeAlsoOption) { // if packages are added or removed on the command-line and --upgrade-also // isn't used, we keep the current versions of everything else update_mode_id = IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP; } else { update_mode_id = IDC_CHOOSE_BEST; changeTrust (update_mode_id, false, true); } static int ta[] = { IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP, IDC_CHOOSE_BEST, IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC, 0 }; rbset (GetHWND (), ta, update_mode_id); } /* TODO: review ::overrides for possible consolidation */ void ChooserPage::getParentRect (HWND parent, HWND child, RECT * r) { POINT p; ::GetWindowRect (child, r); p.x = r->left; p.y = r->top; ::ScreenToClient (parent, &p); r->left = p.x; r->top = p.y; p.x = r->right; p.y = r->bottom; ::ScreenToClient (parent, &p); r->right = p.x; r->bottom = p.y; } void ChooserPage::PlaceDialog (bool doit) { if (unattended_mode == unattended) /* Don't jump up and down in (fully) unattended mode */; else if (doit) { pre_chooser_placement.length = sizeof pre_chooser_placement; GetWindowPlacement (ins_dialog, &pre_chooser_placement); if (saved_geom) SetWindowPlacement (ins_dialog, &window_placement); else { ShowWindow (ins_dialog, SW_MAXIMIZE); window_placement.length = sizeof window_placement; GetWindowPlacement (ins_dialog, &window_placement); } cmd_show_set = true; } else if (cmd_show_set) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof wp; if (GetWindowPlacement (ins_dialog, &wp) && memcmp (&wp, &window_placement, sizeof (wp)) != 0) saw_geom_change = true; SetWindowPlacement (ins_dialog, &pre_chooser_placement); if (saw_geom_change) window_placement = wp; cmd_show_set = false; } } bool ChooserPage::Create () { return PropertyPage::Create (IDD_CHOOSE); } void ChooserPage::setPrompt(char const *aString) { ::SetWindowText (GetDlgItem (IDC_CHOOSE_INST_TEXT), aString); } void ChooserPage::OnInit () { CheckDlgButton (GetHWND (), IDC_CHOOSE_HIDE, BST_CHECKED); /* Populate view dropdown list with choices */ HWND viewlist = GetDlgItem (IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW); SendMessage (viewlist, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for (int view = (int)PickView::views::PackageFull; view <= (int)PickView::views::Category; view++) { SendMessage(viewlist, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)PickView::mode_caption((PickView::views)view)); } if (source == IDC_SOURCE_DOWNLOAD) setPrompt("Select packages to download "); else setPrompt("Select packages to install "); createListview (); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP, IDS_TRUSTKEEP_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_BEST, IDS_TRUSTCURR_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC, IDS_TRUSTSYNC_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_EXP, IDS_TRUSTEXP_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW, IDS_VIEWBUTTON_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_HIDE, IDS_HIDEOBS_TOOLTIP); AddTooltip (IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT, IDS_SEARCH_TOOLTIP); /* Set focus to search edittext control. */ PostMessage (GetHWND (), WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM) GetDlgItem (IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT), TRUE); } void ChooserPage::applyCommandLinePackageSelection() { packagedb db; for (packagedb::packagecollection::iterator i = db.packages.begin (); i != db.packages.end (); ++i) { packagemeta &pkg = *(i->second); bool wanted = pkg.isManuallyWanted(); bool deleted = pkg.isManuallyDeleted(); bool base = pkg.categories.find ("Base") != pkg.categories.end (); bool orphaned = pkg.categories.find ("Orphaned") != pkg.categories.end (); bool upgrade = wanted || (!pkg.installed && base); bool install = wanted && !deleted && !pkg.installed; bool reinstall = (wanted || base) && deleted; bool uninstall = (!(wanted || base) && (deleted || PruneInstallOption)) || (orphaned && CleanOrphansOption); if (install) pkg.set_action (packagemeta::Install_action, UpgradeAlsoOption ? packageversion () : pkg.curr, true); else if (reinstall) pkg.set_action (packagemeta::Reinstall_action, pkg.curr); else if (uninstall) pkg.set_action (packagemeta::Uninstall_action, packageversion ()); else if (PruneInstallOption) pkg.set_action (packagemeta::NoChange_action, pkg.curr); else if (upgrade) pkg.set_action (packagemeta::Install_action, pkg.trustp(true, TRUST_UNKNOWN)); else pkg.set_action (packagemeta::NoChange_action, pkg.installed); } } void ChooserPage::OnActivate() { SetBusy(); packagedb db; db.prep(); if (!activated) { // Do things which should only happen once, but rely on packagedb being // ready to use, so OnInit() is too early db.noChanges(); applyCommandLinePackageSelection(); initialUpdateState(); activated = true; } packagedb::categoriesType::iterator it = db.categories.find("All"); if (it == db.categories.end ()) listview->setEmptyText("No packages found."); if (source == IDC_SOURCE_DOWNLOAD) listview->setEmptyText("Nothing to download."); else listview->setEmptyText("Nothing to install or update."); chooser->build_category_tree(); chooser->init_headers(); ClearBusy(); chooser->refresh(); PlaceDialog (true); } long ChooserPage::OnUnattended() { if (unattended_mode == unattended) return OnNext (); // Magic constant -1 (FIXME) means 'display page but stay unattended', as // also used for progress bars; see proppage.cc!PropertyPage::DialogProc(). return -1; } void ChooserPage::logResults() { Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Chooser results..." << endLog; packagedb db; for (packagedb::packagecollection::iterator i = db.packages.begin(); i != db.packages.end(); i++) { i->second->logSelectionStatus(); } } long ChooserPage::OnNext () { #ifdef DEBUG logResults(); #endif PlaceDialog (false); Progress.SetActivateTask (WM_APP_PREREQ_CHECK); return IDD_INSTATUS; } long ChooserPage::OnBack () { PlaceDialog (false); if (source == IDC_SOURCE_LOCALDIR) return IDD_LOCAL_DIR; else return IDD_SITE; } void ChooserPage::keepClicked() { update_mode_id = IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP; packagedb db; db.noChanges(); chooser->refresh(); } void ChooserPage::changeTrust(int button, bool test, bool initial) { SetBusy (); update_mode_id = button; SolverSolution::updateMode mode; switch (button) { default: case IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP: mode = SolverSolution::keep; break; case IDC_CHOOSE_BEST: mode = SolverSolution::updateBest; break; case IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC: mode = SolverSolution::updateForce; break; } packagedb db; SolverTasks q; // usually we want to apply the solver to an empty task list to get the list // of packages to upgrade (if any) // but initially we want a task list with any package changes caused by // command line options if (initial) q.setTasks(); db.defaultTrust(q, mode, test); // configure PickView so 'test' or 'curr' version is chosen when an // uninstalled package is first clicked on. chooser->defaultTrust (test ? TRUST_TEST : TRUST_CURR); chooser->refresh(); PrereqChecker::setTestPackages(test); ClearBusy (); } bool ChooserPage::OnMessageCmd (int id, HWND hwndctl, UINT code) { #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "ChooserPage::OnMessageCmd " << id << " " << hwndctl << " " << std::hex << code << endLog; #endif if (id == IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT) { HWND nextButton = ::GetDlgItem(::GetParent(GetHWND()), 0x3024 /* ID_WIZNEXT */); char buf[16]; if ((code == EN_CHANGE) || ((code == EN_SETFOCUS) && GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT), buf, 15))) { // when focus arrives at this control and it has some text in it, or // when we change the text in it, change the default button to one // which immediately applies the search filter // // (we don't do this when the focus is on this control but it's empty // (the initial state of the dialog) so that enter in that state moves // onto the next page) SendMessage(GetHWND (), DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM) IDC_CHOOSE_DO_SEARCH, 0); SendMessage(nextButton, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, TRUE); } if (code == EN_CHANGE) { // apply the search filter when we stop typing SetTimer(GetHWND (), timer_id, SEARCH_TIMER_DELAY, (TIMERPROC) NULL); } else if (code == EN_KILLFOCUS) { // when focus leaves this control, restore the normal default button SendMessage(GetHWND (), DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM) 0x3024 /* ID_WIZNEXT */, 0); SendMessage(nextButton, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, TRUE); } return true; } else if (code == BN_CLICKED) { switch (id) { case IDC_CHOOSE_CLEAR_SEARCH: { std::string value; eset (GetHWND (), IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT, value); chooser->SetPackageFilter (value); chooser->refresh (); } break; case IDC_CHOOSE_DO_SEARCH: // invisible pushbutton which is the default pushbutton while typing into // the search textbox, so that 'enter' causes the filter to be applied // immediately, rather than activating the next page SendMessage(GetHWND (), WM_TIMER, (WPARAM) timer_id, 0); break; case IDC_CHOOSE_KEEP: if (IsButtonChecked (id)) keepClicked(); break; case IDC_CHOOSE_BEST: if (IsButtonChecked (id)) changeTrust (id, IsButtonChecked(IDC_CHOOSE_EXP), false); break; case IDC_CHOOSE_SYNC: if (IsButtonChecked (id)) changeTrust (id, IsButtonChecked(IDC_CHOOSE_EXP), false); break; case IDC_CHOOSE_EXP: changeTrust(update_mode_id, IsButtonChecked (id), false); break; case IDC_CHOOSE_HIDE: chooser->setObsolete (!IsButtonChecked (id)); break; default: // Wasn't recognized or handled. return false; } // Was handled since we never got to default above. return true; } else if (code == CBN_SELCHANGE) { if (id == IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW) { // switch to the selected view LRESULT view_mode = SendMessage (GetDlgItem (IDC_CHOOSE_VIEW), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (view_mode != CB_ERR) chooser->setViewMode ((PickView::views)view_mode); return true; } } // We don't care. return false; } bool ChooserPage::OnNotify (NMHDR *pNmHdr, LRESULT *pResult) { #if DEBUG Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "ChooserPage::OnNotify id:" << pNmHdr->idFrom << " hwnd:" << pNmHdr->hwndFrom << " code:" << (int)pNmHdr->code << endLog; #endif // offer messages to the listview if (listview->OnNotify(pNmHdr, pResult)) return true; // we don't care return false; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ChooserPage::OnTimerMessage (UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lparam) { if (wParam == timer_id) { std::string value (egetString (GetHWND (), IDC_CHOOSE_SEARCH_EDIT)); KillTimer (GetHWND (), timer_id); chooser->SetPackageFilter (value); chooser->refresh (); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }