/* * Copyright (c) 2008, Dave Korn. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Dave Korn * */ #include #include #include #include #include "io_stream.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "compress.h" #include "gcrypt.h" #include "msg.h" #include "LogSingleton.h" #include "resource.h" #include "getopt++/StringArrayOption.h" #include "getopt++/BoolOption.h" #include "KeysSetting.h" #include "gpg-packet.h" #include "geturl.h" #ifndef CRYPTODEBUGGING #define CRYPTODEBUGGING (0) #endif #define ERRKIND note #if CRYPTODEBUGGING #define MESSAGE LogBabblePrintf #else #define MESSAGE while (0) LogBabblePrintf #endif /* Command-line options for specifying and controlling extra keys. */ static StringArrayOption ExtraKeyOption ('K', "pubkey", IDS_HELPTEXT_PUBKEY); static StringArrayOption SexprExtraKeyOption ('S', "sexpr-pubkey", IDS_HELPTEXT_SEXPR_PUBKEY); static BoolOption UntrustedKeysOption (false, 'u', "untrusted-keys", IDS_HELPTEXT_UNTRUSTED_KEYS); static BoolOption KeepUntrustedKeysOption (false, 'U', "keep-untrusted-keys", IDS_HELPTEXT_KEEP_UNTRUSTED_KEYS); static BoolOption EnableOldKeysOption (false, '\0', "old-keys", IDS_HELPTEXT_OLD_KEYS, BoolOption::BoolOptionType::pairedAble); /* Embedded public half of Cygwin signing key. */ static const char *cygwin_pubkey_sexpr = #include "cyg-pubkey.h" ; static const char *cygwin_old_pubkey_sexpr = #include "cyg-old-pubkey.h" ; /* S-expr template for DSA pubkey. */ static const char *dsa_pubkey_templ = "(public-key (dsa (p %m) (q %m) (g %m) (y %m)))"; /* S-expr template for RSA pubkey. */ static const char *rsa_pubkey_templ = "(public-key (rsa (n %m) (e %m)))"; /* S-expr template for DSA signature. */ static const char *dsa_sig_templ = "(sig-val (dsa (r %m) (s %m)))"; /* S-expr template for RSA signature. */ static const char *rsa_sig_templ = "(sig-val (rsa (s %m)))"; /* S-expr template for DSA data block to be signed. */ static const char *dsa_data_hash_templ = "(data (flags raw) (hash %s %b))"; /* S-expr template for RSA data block to be signed. */ static const char *rsa_data_hash_templ = "(data (flags pkcs1) (hash %s %b))"; /* Information on a key to try */ struct key_info { key_info(std::string _name, bool _builtin, gcry_sexp_t _key, bool _owned=true) : name(_name), builtin(_builtin), key(_key), owned(_owned) { } std::string name; bool builtin; // if true, we don't need to retain this key with add_key_from_sexpr() gcry_sexp_t key; bool owned; // if true, we own this key and should use gcry_sexp_release() on it }; /* User context data for sig packet walk. */ struct sig_data { /* MPI values of sig components. */ gcry_mpi_t dsa_mpi_r, dsa_mpi_s; gcry_mpi_t rsa_mpi_s; /* Hash context. */ gcry_md_hd_t md; /* Main data. */ io_stream *sign_data; /* Auxiliary data. */ int sig_type; int pk_alg; int hash_alg; /* Converted algo code. */ int algo; /* Keys */ std::vector *keys_to_try; /* Final status. */ bool valid; }; /* User context data for key packet walk. */ struct key_data { std::vector keys; }; /* Callback hook for walking packets in gpg key file. Extracts the key coefficients from any public key packets encountered and converts them into s-expr pubkey format, returning the public keys thus found to the caller in a vector in the userdata context. */ static enum pkt_cb_resp key_file_walker (struct packet_walker *wlk, unsigned char tag, size_t packetsize, size_t hdrpos) { struct key_data *kdat = (struct key_data *)(wlk->userdata); MESSAGE ("key packet %d size %d at offs $%04x kdat $%08x\n", tag, packetsize, hdrpos, kdat); if (tag != RFC4880_PT_PUBLIC_KEY) return pktCONTINUE; // So, get the data out. Version is first. In case of any errors during // parsing, we just discard the key and continue, hoping to find a good one. char ver = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); if (ver != 4) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, ver, "unsupported key version."); return pktCONTINUE; } // Only V4 accepted. Discard creation time. if (pkt_getdword (wlk->pfile) == -1) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, -1, "missing creation time."); return pktCONTINUE; } char pkalg = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); if ((pkalg != RFC4880_PK_DSA) && (pkalg != RFC4880_PK_RSA)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, pkalg, "unsupported key alg."); return pktCONTINUE; } // Next, the key coefficient MPIs should be present. Read them out, convert // to an s-expr and add that to the list of keys. size_t erroff; gcry_sexp_t new_key; if (pkalg == RFC4880_PK_DSA) { gcry_mpi_t p, q, g, y; p = q = g = y = 0; if ((pkt_get_mpi (&p, wlk->pfile) >= 0) && (pkt_get_mpi (&q, wlk->pfile) >= 0) && (pkt_get_mpi (&g, wlk->pfile) >= 0) && (pkt_get_mpi (&y, wlk->pfile) >= 0)) { gcry_error_t rv = gcry_sexp_build (&new_key, &erroff, dsa_pubkey_templ, p, q, g, y); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating sig s-expr."); return pktCONTINUE; } } // Release temps and continue. if (p) gcry_mpi_release (p); if (q) gcry_mpi_release (q); if (g) gcry_mpi_release (g); if (y) gcry_mpi_release (y); } else if (pkalg == RFC4880_PK_RSA) { gcry_mpi_t n, e; n = e = 0; if ((pkt_get_mpi (&n, wlk->pfile) >= 0) && (pkt_get_mpi (&e, wlk->pfile) >= 0)) { gcry_error_t rv = gcry_sexp_build (&new_key, &erroff, rsa_pubkey_templ, n, e); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating sig s-expr."); return pktCONTINUE; } } if (n) gcry_mpi_release (n); if (e) gcry_mpi_release (e); } #if CRYPTODEBUGGING // Debugging char sexprbuf[GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE]; erroff = gcry_sexp_sprint (new_key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); LogBabblePrintf ("key:%d\n'%s'", erroff, sexprbuf); #endif /* CRYPTODEBUGGING */ // Return it to caller in the vector. kdat->keys.push_back (new_key); return pktCONTINUE; } /* Does what its name suggests: feeds a chosen amount of the data found at the current seek position in an io_stream into the message digest context passed in, using reasonably-sized chunks for efficiency. */ static size_t shovel_stream_data_into_md (io_stream *stream, size_t nbytes, gcry_md_hd_t md) { const size_t TMPBUFSZ = 1024; unsigned char tmpbuf[TMPBUFSZ]; size_t this_time, total = 0; ssize_t actual; MESSAGE ("shovel %d bytes at pos $%08x\n", nbytes, stream->tell ()); while (nbytes) { this_time = (nbytes > TMPBUFSZ) ? TMPBUFSZ : nbytes; actual = stream->read (tmpbuf, this_time); if (actual <= 0) break; gcry_md_write (md, tmpbuf, actual); total += actual; nbytes -= actual; if (actual != (ssize_t)this_time) break; } return total; } /* Canonicalise an s-expr by converting LFs to spaces so that it's all on one line and folding multiple spaces as we go. */ static size_t fold_lfs_and_spaces (char *buf, size_t n) { char *ptr1 = buf, *ptr2 = buf; while (n--) { char ch = *ptr1++; if (ch == 0x0a) ch = ' '; *ptr2++ = ch; if (ch == 0x20) while (n && ((*ptr1 == ' ') || (*ptr1 == 0x0a))) { --n; ++ptr1; } } return ptr2 - buf; } /* Size and allocate a temp buffer to print a representation of a public key s-expr into, then add that to the extra keys setting so it persists for the next run. */ static void add_key_from_sexpr (gcry_sexp_t key) { size_t n = gcry_sexp_sprint (key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, 0, ~0); char *sexprbuf = new char[n]; n = gcry_sexp_sprint (key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, n); // +1 because we want to include the nul-terminator. n = fold_lfs_and_spaces (sexprbuf, n + 1); ExtraKeysSetting::instance().add_key (sexprbuf); MESSAGE ("keep:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); delete [] sexprbuf; } static bool verify_sig(struct sig_data *sigdat, HWND owner) { gcry_error_t rv; size_t n; { /* sig coefficients in s-expr format. */ gcry_sexp_t sig; /* signature hash data in s-expr format. */ gcry_sexp_t hash; /* Build everything into s-exprs, and call the libgcrypt verification routine. */ if (sigdat->pk_alg == RFC4880_PK_DSA) { rv = gcry_sexp_build (&sig, &n, dsa_sig_templ, sigdat->dsa_mpi_r, sigdat->dsa_mpi_s); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating sig s-expr."); return false; } rv = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, &n, dsa_data_hash_templ, gcry_md_algo_name(sigdat->algo), gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (sigdat->algo), gcry_md_read (sigdat->md, 0)); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating hash s-expr."); return false; } } else if (sigdat->pk_alg == RFC4880_PK_RSA) { rv = gcry_sexp_build (&sig, &n, rsa_sig_templ, sigdat->rsa_mpi_s); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating sig s-expr."); return false; } rv = gcry_sexp_build (&hash, &n, rsa_data_hash_templ, gcry_md_algo_name(sigdat->algo), gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (sigdat->algo), gcry_md_read (sigdat->md, 0)); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating hash s-expr."); return false; } } #if CRYPTODEBUGGING char sexprbuf[GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE]; n = gcry_sexp_sprint (sig, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); LogBabblePrintf ("sig:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); n = gcry_sexp_sprint (hash, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); LogBabblePrintf ("hash:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); #endif /* CRYPTODEBUGGING */ // Well, we're actually there! // Try it against each key in turn std::vector::iterator it; for (it = sigdat->keys_to_try->begin (); it < sigdat->keys_to_try->end (); ++it) { rv = gcry_pk_verify (sig, hash, it->key); LogBabblePrintf("signature: tried key %s, returned 0x%08x %s\n", it->name.c_str(), rv, gcry_strerror(rv)); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) continue; // Found it! This key gets kept! if (!it->builtin) add_key_from_sexpr (it->key); break; } gcry_sexp_release (sig); gcry_sexp_release (hash); } return (rv == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR); } /* Do-nothing stubs called by the sig file walker to walk over the embedded subpackets. In the event, we don't actually need to do this as we aren't inspecting them. */ static enum pkt_cb_resp hashed_subpkt_walker (struct packet_walker *wlk, unsigned char tag, size_t packetsize, size_t hdrpos) { return pktCONTINUE; } static enum pkt_cb_resp unhashed_subpkt_walker (struct packet_walker *wlk, unsigned char tag, size_t packetsize, size_t hdrpos) { return pktCONTINUE; } /* Callback to parse the packets found in the setup.ini/setup.bz2 signature file. We have to parse the header to get the hash type and other details. Once we have that we can create a message digest context and start pumping data through it; first the ini file itself, then the portion of the packet itself that is covered by the hash. */ static enum pkt_cb_resp sig_file_walker (struct packet_walker *wlk, unsigned char tag, size_t packetsize, size_t hdrpos) { struct sig_data *sigdat = (struct sig_data *)(wlk->userdata); if (tag != RFC4880_PT_SIGNATURE) return pktCONTINUE; // To add the trailers later, we hang on to the current pos. size_t v34hdrofs = wlk->pfile->tell (); // So, get the data out. Version is first. char ver = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); if ((ver < 3) || (ver > 4)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, ver, "unsupported sig version."); return pktHALT; } // Only V3 and V4 accepted. if (ver == 4) { sigdat->sig_type = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); sigdat->pk_alg = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); sigdat->hash_alg = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); } else { int hmsize = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); if (hmsize != RFC4880_SIGV3_HASHED_SIZE) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, hmsize, "wrong hashed material size."); return pktHALT; } v34hdrofs = wlk->pfile->tell (); if ((pkt_getch (wlk->pfile) < 0) || (pkt_getdword (wlk->pfile) == -1)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, hmsize, "wrong hashed material size."); return pktHALT; } if ((pkt_getdword (wlk->pfile) == -1) || (pkt_getdword (wlk->pfile) == -1)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, -1, "missing signer ID."); return pktHALT; } sigdat->sig_type = 0; sigdat->pk_alg = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); sigdat->hash_alg = pkt_getch (wlk->pfile); } LogBabblePrintf("signature: sig_type %d, pk_alg %d, hash_alg %d\n", sigdat->sig_type, sigdat->pk_alg, sigdat->hash_alg); // We only handle binary file signatures if (sigdat->sig_type != RFC4880_ST_BINARY) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, sigdat->sig_type, "unsupported sig type."); return pktHALT; } // We only handle RSA and DSA keys if ((sigdat->pk_alg != RFC4880_PK_DSA) && (sigdat->pk_alg != RFC4880_PK_RSA)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, sigdat->pk_alg, "unsupported pk alg."); return pktHALT; } // Start to hash all the data. Figure out what hash to use. sigdat->algo = pkt_convert_hashcode (sigdat->hash_alg); if (sigdat->algo == GCRY_MD_NONE) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, sigdat->hash_alg, "unconvertible hash."); return pktHALT; } // Now we know hash algo, we can create md context. sigdat->md = 0; gcry_error_t rv = gcry_md_open (&sigdat->md, sigdat->algo, 0); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while initialising message digest."); return pktHALT; } // Add all the sig_file data into the hash. sigdat->sign_data->seek (0, IO_SEEK_SET); size_t nbytes = sigdat->sign_data->get_size (); if (nbytes != shovel_stream_data_into_md (sigdat->sign_data, nbytes, sigdat->md)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, sigdat->hash_alg, "internal buffer error."); return pktHALT; } sigdat->sign_data->seek (0, IO_SEEK_SET); // V4 now has some hashed subpackets int hashed_subpkt_size = (ver == 4) ? pkt_getword (wlk->pfile) : 0; if (hashed_subpkt_size) pkt_walk_subpackets (wlk->pfile, hashed_subpkt_walker, wlk->owner, wlk->pfile->tell (), hashed_subpkt_size, wlk->userdata); // V4 now has some unhashed subpackets int unhashed_subpkt_size = (ver == 4) ? pkt_getword (wlk->pfile) : 0; if (unhashed_subpkt_size) pkt_walk_subpackets (wlk->pfile, unhashed_subpkt_walker, wlk->owner, wlk->pfile->tell (), unhashed_subpkt_size, wlk->userdata); // Both formats now have 16 bits of the hash value. int hash_first = pkt_getword (wlk->pfile); MESSAGE ("signature: hash leftmost 2 bytes 0x%04x\n", hash_first); /* Algorithm-Specific Fields for signatures: for DSA: - MPI of DSA value r - MPI of DSA value s DSA signatures MUST use hashes that are equal in size to the number of bits of q, the group generated by the DSA key's generator value. for RSA: - MPI of RSA value m^d mod n (aka s) */ sigdat->dsa_mpi_r = sigdat->dsa_mpi_s = 0; sigdat->rsa_mpi_s = 0; if (sigdat->pk_alg == RFC4880_PK_DSA) { if ((pkt_get_mpi (&sigdat->dsa_mpi_r, wlk->pfile) < 0) || (pkt_get_mpi (&sigdat->dsa_mpi_s, wlk->pfile) < 0)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, "unpacking mpi."); return pktHALT; } } else if (sigdat->pk_alg == RFC4880_PK_RSA) { if (pkt_get_mpi (&sigdat->rsa_mpi_s, wlk->pfile) < 0) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, "unpacking mpi."); return pktHALT; } } MESSAGE ("Read sig packets succesfully!\n"); // Now we got all the data out ok, rewind and hash the first trailer. wlk->pfile->seek (v34hdrofs, IO_SEEK_SET); nbytes = (ver == 4) ? (RFC4880_SIGV4_HASHED_OVERHEAD + hashed_subpkt_size) : (RFC4880_SIGV3_HASHED_SIZE); if (nbytes != shovel_stream_data_into_md (wlk->pfile, nbytes, sigdat->md)) { ERRKIND (wlk->owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, sigdat->hash_alg, "internal buffer error 2."); return pktHALT; } if (ver == 4) { // And now the synthetic final trailer. gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, 4); gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, 0xff); gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, (nbytes >> 24) & 0xff); gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, (nbytes >> 16) & 0xff); gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, (nbytes >> 8) & 0xff); gcry_md_putc (sigdat->md, nbytes & 0xff); } // finalize the hash gcry_md_final (sigdat->md); MESSAGE("digest length is %d\n",gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (sigdat->algo)); // we have hashed all the data, and found the sig coefficients. // heck this signature if (verify_sig (sigdat, wlk->owner)) sigdat->valid = true; // discard hash if (sigdat->md) gcry_md_close (sigdat->md); // discard sig coefffcients if (sigdat->dsa_mpi_r) gcry_mpi_release (sigdat->dsa_mpi_r); if (sigdat->dsa_mpi_s) gcry_mpi_release (sigdat->dsa_mpi_s); if (sigdat->rsa_mpi_s) gcry_mpi_release (sigdat->rsa_mpi_s); // we can stop immediately if we found a good signature return sigdat->valid ? pktHALT : pktCONTINUE; } #if CRYPTODEBUGGING static void gcrypt_log_adaptor(void *priv, int level, const char *fmt, va_list args) { static std::string collected; char buf[GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE]; vsnprintf (buf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE, fmt, args); char *start = buf; char *end; do { if (collected.length() == 0) { collected = "gcrypt: "; } end = strchr(start, '\n'); if (end) *end = '\0'; collected += start; if (end) { if (level == GCRY_LOG_DEBUG) Log (LOG_BABBLE) << collected << endLog; else Log (LOG_PLAIN) << collected << endLog; collected.clear(); start = end + 1; } } while (end); } #endif /* Verify the signature on an ini file. Takes care of all key-handling. */ bool verify_ini_file_sig (io_stream *ini_file, io_stream *ini_sig_file, HWND owner) { /* Data returned from packet walker. */ struct sig_data sigdat; /* Vector of keys to use. */ std::vector keys_to_try; /* Overall status of signature. */ bool sig_ok = false; // Temps for intermediate processing. gcry_error_t rv; size_t n; /* Initialise the library. */ static bool gcrypt_init = false; if (!gcrypt_init) { #if CRYPTODEBUGGING gcry_set_log_handler (gcrypt_log_adaptor, NULL); #endif gcry_check_version (NULL); if ((rv = gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SELFTEST)) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "libgcrypt selftest failed"); #if CRYPTODEBUGGING gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1); #endif gcrypt_init = true; } /* So first build the built-in key. */ gcry_sexp_t cygwin_key; rv = gcry_sexp_new (&cygwin_key, cygwin_pubkey_sexpr, strlen (cygwin_pubkey_sexpr), 1); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating pubkey s-expr."); } else { keys_to_try.push_back (key_info("cygwin", true, cygwin_key)); } #if CRYPTODEBUGGING char sexprbuf[GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE]; n = gcry_sexp_sprint (cygwin_key, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); LogBabblePrintf ("key:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); #endif /* CRYPTODEBUGGING */ /* If not disabled, also try the old built-in key */ gcry_sexp_t cygwin_old_key; if (EnableOldKeysOption) { rv = gcry_sexp_new (&cygwin_old_key, cygwin_old_pubkey_sexpr, strlen (cygwin_old_pubkey_sexpr), 1); if (rv != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "while creating old pubkey s-expr."); } else { keys_to_try.push_back (key_info ("cygwin-old", TRUE, cygwin_old_key)); } } /* Vector of cached extra keys from last run. */ static std::vector input_keys; /* Next we should extract the keys from the extrakeys user setting, and flush it; we'll only return them to it if they get used. OTOH, should we do this at all? The user settings file isn't heavily protected. So we only trust the extra keys if we're told to by the user. We still read them in and write them back out, which canonicalises and eliminates any duplicates or garbage lines that may have crept in. */ static bool input_keys_read = false; if (!input_keys_read) { // We only want to do this once, first time through: input_keys_read = true; // Copy all valid keys from ExtraKeysSetting into a // static vector where we can keep them throughout the // remainder of the run. for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtraKeysSetting::instance().num_keys (); i++) { const char *keystring = ExtraKeysSetting::instance().get_key (i, &n); gcry_sexp_t newkey; rv = gcry_sexp_new (&newkey, keystring, n, 1); if (rv == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) input_keys.push_back (newkey); } // Now flush out the ExtraKeysSetting; from here on it // will build up a list of the keys we want to retain. ExtraKeysSetting::instance().flush (); // Which, if we aren't using them, means all the ones // we just read. if (KeepUntrustedKeysOption || !UntrustedKeysOption) { std::vector::iterator it; for (it = input_keys.begin (); it < input_keys.end (); ++it) add_key_from_sexpr (*it); } } // We only use the untrusted keys if told to. if (KeepUntrustedKeysOption || UntrustedKeysOption) for (std::vector::const_iterator it = input_keys.begin (); it < input_keys.end (); ++it) { keys_to_try.push_back (key_info ("saved key", false, *it, false)); } /* Next, there may have been command-line options. */ std::vector SexprExtraKeyStrings = SexprExtraKeyOption; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = SexprExtraKeyStrings.begin (); it != SexprExtraKeyStrings.end (); ++it) { MESSAGE ("key str is '%s'\n", it->c_str ()); gcry_sexp_t dsa_key2 = 0; rv = gcry_sexp_new (&dsa_key2, it->c_str (), it->size (), 1); if (rv == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { // We probably want to add it to the extra keys setting // if KeepUntrustedKeysOption is supplied. if (KeepUntrustedKeysOption) add_key_from_sexpr (dsa_key2); #if CRYPTODEBUGGING n = gcry_sexp_sprint (dsa_key2, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); // +1 because we want to include the nul-terminator. n = fold_lfs_and_spaces (sexprbuf, n + 1); ExtraKeysSetting::instance().add_key (sexprbuf); LogBabblePrintf ("key2:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); #endif /* CRYPTODEBUGGING */ keys_to_try.push_back (key_info ("from command-line option --sexpr-pubkey", false, dsa_key2)); } else { ERRKIND (owner, IDS_CRYPTO_ERROR, rv, "invalid command-line pubkey s-expr."); } } /* Also, we may have to read a key(s) file. */ std::vector ExtraKeysFiles = ExtraKeyOption; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = ExtraKeysFiles.begin (); it != ExtraKeysFiles.end (); ++it) { io_stream *keys = get_url_to_membuf (*it, owner); if (keys) { struct key_data kdat; pkt_walk_packets (keys, key_file_walker, owner, 0, keys->get_size (), &kdat); // We now have a vector of (some/any?) keys returned from // the walker; add them to the list to try. while (!kdat.keys.empty ()) { // We probably want to add it to the extra keys setting // if KeepUntrustedKeysOption is supplied. if (KeepUntrustedKeysOption) add_key_from_sexpr (kdat.keys.back ()); #if CRYPTODEBUGGING n = gcry_sexp_sprint (kdat.keys.back (), GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, sexprbuf, GPG_KEY_SEXPR_BUF_SIZE); // +1 because we want to include the nul-terminator. n = fold_lfs_and_spaces (sexprbuf, n + 1); ExtraKeysSetting::instance().add_key (sexprbuf); LogBabblePrintf ("key3:%d\n'%s'", n, sexprbuf); #endif /* CRYPTODEBUGGING */ keys_to_try.push_back (key_info ("from command-line option --pubkey", false, kdat.keys.back ())); kdat.keys.pop_back (); } } } // We pass in a pointer to the ini file in the user context data, // which the packet walker callback uses to create a new hash // context preloaded with all the signature-covered data. sigdat.valid = false; sigdat.sign_data = ini_file; sigdat.keys_to_try = &keys_to_try; pkt_walk_packets (ini_sig_file, sig_file_walker, owner, 0, ini_sig_file->get_size (), &sigdat); sig_ok = sigdat.valid; while (keys_to_try.size ()) { if (keys_to_try.back ().owned) gcry_sexp_release (keys_to_try.back ().key); keys_to_try.pop_back (); } return sig_ok; }