%{ /* * Copyright (c) 2000, Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by DJ Delorie * */ /* Parse the setup.ini files. inilex.l provides the tokens for this. */ #include #include #include #include "win32.h" #include "package_db.h" #include "category.h" #include "ini.h" #include "iniparse.h" #include "filemanip.h" extern "C" int yyerror (char const *s, ...); int yylex (); #include "port.h" #include "package_meta.h" #include "package_version.h" #include "cygpackage.h" #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 /*#define YYDEBUG 1*/ static packagemeta *cp = 0; extern unsigned int setup_timestamp; extern char *setup_version; extern int yylineno; char * parse_mirror = 0; static packagedb db; static cygpackage *cpv = 0; static int trust; void add_correct_version(); %} %token STRING %token SETUP_TIMESTAMP SETUP_VERSION VERSION INSTALL SOURCE SDESC LDESC %token CATEGORY REQUIRES %token APATH PPATH INCLUDE_SETUP EXCLUDE_PACKAGE DOWNLOAD_URL %token T_PREV T_CURR T_TEST T_UNKNOWN %% whole_file : setup_headers packages ; setup_headers : setup_header setup_headers | /* empty */ ; setup_header : SETUP_TIMESTAMP STRING '\n' { setup_timestamp = strtoul ($2, 0, 0); } | SETUP_VERSION STRING '\n' { setup_version = _strdup ($2); } | '\n' | error { yyerror ("unrecognized line in setup.ini headers (do you have the latest setup?)"); } '\n' ; packages : package packages | /* empty */ ; package : '@' STRING '\n' { cp = &db.packages.registerbykey($2); cpv = new cygpackage ($2); trust = TRUST_CURR;} lines ; lines : simple_line '\n' lines | simple_line ; simple_line : VERSION STRING { cpv->set_canonical_version ($2); add_correct_version ();} | SDESC STRING { cpv->set_sdesc ($2); } | LDESC STRING { cpv->set_ldesc ($2); } | CATEGORY categories | REQUIRES requires | INSTALL STRING STRING { if (!cpv->Canonical_version ()) { fileparse f; if (parse_filename ($2, f)) { cpv->set_canonical_version (f.ver); add_correct_version (); } } if (!cpv->bin.size) { cpv->bin.size = atoi($3); cpv->bin.set_canonical ($2); } cpv->bin.sites.registerbykey (parse_mirror); } | SOURCE STRING STRING { if (!cpv->src.size) { cpv->src.size = atoi($3); cpv->src.set_canonical ($2); } cpv->src.sites.registerbykey (parse_mirror); } | T_PREV { trust = TRUST_PREV; cpv = new cygpackage (cp->name); } | T_CURR { trust = TRUST_CURR; cpv = new cygpackage (cp->name); } | T_TEST { trust = TRUST_TEST; cpv = new cygpackage (cp->name); } | T_UNKNOWN { trust = TRUST_UNKNOWN; } | /* empty */ | error '\n' { yylineno --; yyerror ("unrecognized line in package %s (do you have the latest setup?)", cp->name); yylineno ++; } ; requires : STRING { cpv->new_requirement($1); } requires | STRING { cpv->new_requirement($1); } ; categories : STRING { cp->add_category (db.categories.registerbykey ($1)); } categories | STRING { cp->add_category (db.categories.registerbykey ($1)); } ; %% void add_correct_version() { int merged = 0; for (size_t n = 1; !merged && n <= cp->versions.number (); n++) if (!strcasecmp(cp->versions[n]->Canonical_version(), cpv->Canonical_version())) { /* ASSUMPTIONS: categories and requires are consistent for the same version across all mirrors */ /* Copy the binary mirror across if this site claims to have an install */ if (cpv->bin.sites.number ()) cp->versions[n]->bin.sites.registerbykey (cpv->bin.sites[1]->key); /* Ditto for src */ if (cpv->src.sites.number ()) cp->versions[n]->src.sites.registerbykey (cpv->src.sites[1]->key); /* Copy the descriptions across */ if (cpv->SDesc () && !cp->versions[n]->SDesc ()) cp->versions[n]->set_sdesc (cpv->SDesc ()); if (cpv->LDesc () && !cp->versions[n]->LDesc ()) cp->versions[n]->set_ldesc (cpv->LDesc ()); cpv = (cygpackage *)cp->versions[n]; merged = 1; } if (!merged) cp->add_version (*cpv); /* trust setting */ switch (trust) { case TRUST_CURR: if (cp->currtimestamp < setup_timestamp) { cp->currtimestamp = setup_timestamp; cp->curr = cpv; } break; case TRUST_PREV: if (cp->prevtimestamp < setup_timestamp) { cp->prevtimestamp = setup_timestamp; cp->prev = cpv; } break; case TRUST_TEST: if (cp->exptimestamp < setup_timestamp) { cp->exptimestamp = setup_timestamp; cp->exp = cpv; } break; } }