/* * Copyright (c) 2001, Robert Collins. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Robert Collins * */ #include "win32.h" #include "mklink2.h" #include "filemanip.h" #include "mkdir.h" #include "mount.h" #include "compactos.h" #include "getopt++/StringChoiceOption.h" #include #include #include #include "io_stream_cygfile.h" #include "IOStreamProvider.h" #include "LogSingleton.h" #include "resource.h" static StringChoiceOption::StringChoices algs({ {"xpress4k", FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS4K}, {"xpress8k", FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS8K}, {"xpress16k", FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_XPRESS16K}, {"lzx", FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_LZX}, }); static StringChoiceOption CompactOsOption(algs, '\0', "compact-os", IDS_HELPTEXT_COMPACTOS, true, -1, FILE_PROVIDER_COMPRESSION_LZX); /* completely private iostream registration class */ class CygFileProvider : public IOStreamProvider { public: int exists (const std::string& path) const {return io_stream_cygfile::exists(path);} int remove (const std::string& path) const {return io_stream_cygfile::remove(path);} int mklink (const std::string& a , const std::string& b, io_stream_link_t c) const {return io_stream_cygfile::mklink(a,b,c);} io_stream *open (const std::string& a,const std::string& b, mode_t m) const {return new io_stream_cygfile (a, b, m);} ~CygFileProvider (){} int move (const std::string& a,const std::string& b) const {return io_stream_cygfile::move (a, b);} int mkdir_p (path_type_t isadir, const std::string& path, mode_t mode) const {return cygmkdir_p (isadir, path, mode);} protected: CygFileProvider() // no creating this { io_stream::registerProvider (theInstance, "cygfile://"); } CygFileProvider(CygFileProvider const &); // no copying CygFileProvider &operator=(CygFileProvider const &); // no assignment private: static CygFileProvider theInstance; }; CygFileProvider CygFileProvider::theInstance = CygFileProvider(); std::string io_stream_cygfile::cwd("/"); bool io_stream_cygfile::compact_os_is_available = (OSMajorVersion () >= 10); // Normalise a unix style path relative to // cwd. std::string io_stream_cygfile::normalise (const std::string& unixpath) { char *path,*tempout; if (unixpath.c_str()[0]=='/') { // rooted path path = new_cstr_char_array (unixpath); tempout = new_cstr_char_array (unixpath); // paths only shrink. } else { path = new_cstr_char_array (cwd + unixpath); tempout = new_cstr_char_array (cwd + unixpath); //paths only shrink. } // FIXME: handle .. depth tests to prevent / + ../foo/ stepping out // of the cygwin tree // FIXME: handle /./ sequences bool sawslash = false; char *outptr = tempout; for (char *ptr=path; *ptr; ++ptr) { if (*ptr == '/' && sawslash) --outptr; else if (*ptr == '/') sawslash=true; else sawslash=false; *outptr++ = *ptr; } std::string rv = tempout; delete[] path; delete[] tempout; return rv; } wchar_t * io_stream_cygfile::w_str () { if (!wname) { wname = new wchar_t [fname.size () + 7]; if (wname) mklongpath (wname, fname.c_str (), fname.size () + 7); } return wname; } static void get_root_dir_now () { if (get_root_dir ().size()) return; read_mounts (std::string ()); } static bool compactos_is_useless (const std::string& name) { const char * const p = name.c_str(); if (!(!strncmp (p, "/bin/", 5) || !strncmp (p, "/sbin/", 6) || !strncmp (p, "/usr/", 5))) return true; /* File is not in R/O tree. */ const size_t len = name.size(); /* >= 5 */ if (!strcmp (p + (len - 4), ".dll") || !strcmp (p + (len - 3), ".so")) { if ((len >= 5 + 11 && !strcmp (p + (len - 11), "cygwin1.dll")) || strstr (p + 5, "/sys-root/mingw/")) return false; /* Ignored by rebase. */ return true; /* Rebase will open file for writing which uncompresses the file. */ } if (!strcmp (p + (len - 4), ".bz2") || !strcmp (p + (len - 3), ".gz") || !strcmp (p + (len - 3), ".xz")) return true; /* File is already compressed. */ return false; } io_stream_cygfile::io_stream_cygfile (const std::string& name, const std::string& mode, mode_t perms) : fp(), lasterr (0), fname(), wname (NULL), compact_os_algorithm(-1) { errno = 0; if (!name.size()) { Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "io_stream_cygfile: Bad parameters" << endLog; return; } /* do this every time because the mount points may change due to fwd/back button use... * TODO: make this less...manual */ get_root_dir_now (); if (!get_root_dir ().size()) { /* TODO: assign a errno for "no mount table :} " */ Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "io_stream_cygfile: Error reading mounts" << endLog; return; } fname = cygpath (normalise(name)); if (mode.size ()) { if (fname.rfind (".exe") != std::string::npos || fname.rfind (".dll") != std::string::npos) perms |= 0111; /* Make .exe and .dll always executable. */ fp = nt_wfopen (w_str(), mode.c_str (), perms); if (!fp) { lasterr = errno; Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "io_stream_cygfile: fopen(" << name << ") failed " << errno << " " << strerror(errno) << endLog; } if (mode[0] == 'w' && compact_os_is_available && CompactOsOption >= 0 && !compactos_is_useless (name)) compact_os_algorithm = CompactOsOption; } } io_stream_cygfile::~io_stream_cygfile () { if (fp) fclose (fp); if (wname) delete [] wname; } /* Static members */ int io_stream_cygfile::exists (const std::string& path) { get_root_dir_now (); if (!get_root_dir ().size()) return 0; size_t len = cygpath (normalise(path)).size () + 7; WCHAR wname[len]; mklongpath (wname, cygpath (normalise(path)).c_str (), len); DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW (wname); if (attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) return 1; return 0; } int io_stream_cygfile::remove (const std::string& path) { if (!path.size()) return 1; get_root_dir_now (); if (!get_root_dir ().size()) /* TODO: assign a errno for "no mount table :} " */ return 1; size_t len = cygpath (normalise(path)).size () + 7; WCHAR wpath[len]; mklongpath (wpath, cygpath (normalise(path)).c_str (), len); unsigned long w = GetFileAttributesW (wpath); if (w != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && w & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { len = wcslen (wpath); WCHAR tmp[len + 10]; wcscpy (tmp, wpath); int i = 0; do { ++i; swprintf (tmp + len, L"old-%d", i); } while (GetFileAttributesW (tmp) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "warning: moving directory \"" << normalise(path).c_str() << "\" out of the way." << endLog; MoveFileW (wpath, tmp); } return io_stream::remove (std::string ("file://") + cygpath (normalise(path)).c_str()); } /* Returns 0 for success */ int io_stream_cygfile::mklink (const std::string& _from, const std::string& _to, io_stream_link_t linktype) { if (!_from.size() || !_to.size()) return 1; std::string from(normalise(_from)); std::string to (normalise(_to)); switch (linktype) { case IO_STREAM_SYMLINK: // symlinks are arbitrary targets, can be anything, and are // not subject to translation return mkcygsymlink (cygpath (from).c_str(), _to.c_str()); case IO_STREAM_HARDLINK: { /* First try to create a real hardlink. */ if (!mkcyghardlink (cygpath (from).c_str(), cygpath (to).c_str ())) return 0; /* If creating a hardlink failed, we're probably on a filesystem which doesn't support hardlinks. If so, we also don't care for permissions for now. The filesystem is probably a filesystem which doesn't support ACLs anyway. */ /* textmode alert: should we translate when linking from an binmode to a text mode mount and vice verca? */ io_stream *in = io_stream::open (std::string ("cygfile://") + to, "rb", 0); if (!in) { Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "could not open " << to << " for reading in mklink" << endLog; return 1; } io_stream *out = io_stream::open (std::string ("cygfile://") + from, "wb", 0644); if (!out) { Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "could not open " << from << " for writing in mklink" << endLog; delete in; return 1; } if (io_stream::copy (in, out)) { Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "Failed to hardlink " << from << "->" << to << " during file copy." << endLog; delete in; delete out; return 1; } delete in; delete out; return 0; } } return 1; } /* virtuals */ ssize_t io_stream_cygfile::read (void *buffer, size_t len) { ssize_t ret = 0; if (len && fp && !feof (fp)) { clearerr (fp); size_t fret = fread (buffer, 1, len, fp); if (fret < len && ferror (fp)) { lasterr = errno; ret = -1; } else ret = (ssize_t) fret; } return ret; } ssize_t io_stream_cygfile::write (const void *buffer, size_t len) { ssize_t ret = 0; if (len && fp) { clearerr (fp); size_t fret = fwrite (buffer, 1, len, fp); if (fret < len && ferror (fp)) { lasterr = errno; ret = -1; } else ret = (ssize_t) fret; } return ret; } ssize_t io_stream_cygfile::peek (void *buffer, size_t len) { if (fp) { off_t pos = ftello (fp); ssize_t rv = read (buffer, len); fseeko (fp, pos, SEEK_SET); return rv; } return 0; } off_t io_stream_cygfile::tell () { if (fp) return ftello (fp); return 0; } off_t io_stream_cygfile::seek (off_t where, io_stream_seek_t whence) { if (fp) { return fseeko (fp, where, (int) whence); } lasterr = EBADF; return -1; } int io_stream_cygfile::error () { if (fp) return ferror (fp); return lasterr; } int cygmkdir_p (path_type_t isadir, const std::string& _name, mode_t mode) { if (!_name.size()) return 1; std::string name(io_stream_cygfile::normalise(_name)); get_root_dir_now (); if (!get_root_dir ().size()) /* TODO: assign a errno for "no mount table :} " */ return 1; return mkdir_p (isadir == PATH_TO_DIR ? 1 : 0, cygpath (name).c_str(), mode); } int io_stream_cygfile::set_mtime (time_t mtime) { if (!fname.size()) return 1; if (fp) fclose (fp); long long ftimev = mtime * NSPERSEC + FACTOR; FILETIME ftime; ftime.dwHighDateTime = ftimev >> 32; ftime.dwLowDateTime = ftimev; HANDLE h; h = CreateFileW (w_str (), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 1; if (compact_os_algorithm >= 0) { /* Compact OS must be applied after last WriteFile() and before SetFileTime(). */ int rc = CompactOsCompressFile (h, compact_os_algorithm); if (rc < 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); Log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "Compact OS disabled after error " << err << " on " << fname << endLog; compact_os_is_available = false; } else Log (LOG_BABBLE) << "Compact OS algorithm " << compact_os_algorithm << (rc == 0 ? " not" : "") << " applied to " << fname << endLog; } SetFileTime (h, 0, 0, &ftime); CloseHandle (h); return 0; } int io_stream_cygfile::move (const std::string& _from, const std::string& _to) { if (!_from.size() || !_to.size()) return 1; std::string from (normalise(_from)); std::string to(normalise(_to)); get_root_dir_now (); if (!get_root_dir ().size()) /* TODO: assign a errno for "no mount table :} " */ return 1; return rename (cygpath (from).c_str(), cygpath (to).c_str()); } size_t io_stream_cygfile::get_size () { if (!fname.size() ) return 0; HANDLE h; DWORD ret = 0; h = CreateFileW (w_str (), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ret = GetFileSize (h, NULL); CloseHandle (h); } return ret; }