/* * Copyright (c) 2000, Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2003, Robert Collins * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by DJ Delorie * Robert Collins * * */ /* OK, here's how this works. Each of the steps needed for install - dialogs, downloads, installs - are in their own files and have some "do_*" function (prototype in dialog.h) and a resource id (IDD_* or IDD_S_* in resource.h) for that step. Each step is responsible for selecting the next step! See the NEXT macro in dialog.h. Note that the IDD_S_* ids are fake; those are for steps that don't really have a controlling dialog (some have progress dialogs, but those don't count, although they could). Replace the IDD_S_* with IDD_* if you create a real dialog for those steps. */ #if 0 static const char *cvsid = "\n%%% $Id$\n"; #endif #include "win32.h" #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "state.h" #include "msg.h" #include "find.h" #include "mount.h" #include "LogFile.h" #include "version.h" #include "port.h" #include "proppage.h" #include "propsheet.h" // Page class headers #include "splash.h" #include "AntiVirus.h" #include "source.h" #include "root.h" #include "localdir.h" #include "net.h" #include "site.h" #include "choose.h" #include "threebar.h" #include "desktop.h" #include "getopt++/GetOption.h" #include "getopt++/BoolOption.h" #include "UserSettings.h" int next_dialog; HINSTANCE hinstance; static BoolOption UnattendedOption (false, 'q', "quiet-mode", "Unattended setup mode"); /* Maximum size of a SID on NT/W2K. */ #define MAX_SID_LEN 40 /* Computes the size of an ACL in relation to the number of ACEs it should contain. */ #define TOKEN_ACL_SIZE(cnt) (sizeof(ACL) + \ (cnt) * (sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + MAX_SID_LEN)) #define iswinnt (GetVersion() < 0x80000000) namespace Setup { class SIDWrapper { public: SIDWrapper(); /* Prevent synthetics. If assignment is needed, this should be refcounting */ SIDWrapper(SIDWrapper const &); SIDWrapper&operator=(SIDWrapper const&); ~SIDWrapper(); /* We could look at doing weird typcast overloads here, but manual access is easier for now */ PSID &theSID(); PSID const &theSID() const; private: PSID value; }; SIDWrapper::SIDWrapper() : value(NULL) {} SIDWrapper::~SIDWrapper() { if (value) FreeSid (value); } PSID & SIDWrapper::theSID() { return value; } PSID const & SIDWrapper::theSID() const { return value; } class HANDLEWrapper { public: HANDLEWrapper(); /* Prevent synthetics. If assignment is needed, we should duphandles, or refcount */ HANDLEWrapper(HANDLEWrapper const &); HANDLEWrapper&operator=(HANDLEWrapper const &); ~HANDLEWrapper(); HANDLE &theHANDLE(); HANDLE const &theHANDLE() const; private: HANDLE value; }; HANDLEWrapper::HANDLEWrapper() : value (NULL) {} HANDLEWrapper::~HANDLEWrapper() { if (value) CloseHandle(value); } HANDLE & HANDLEWrapper::theHANDLE() { return value; } HANDLE const & HANDLEWrapper::theHANDLE() const { return value; } }; class TokenGroupCollection { public: TokenGroupCollection(DWORD, Setup::HANDLEWrapper &); ~TokenGroupCollection(); /* prevent synthetics */ TokenGroupCollection &operator=(TokenGroupCollection const &); TokenGroupCollection (TokenGroupCollection const &); bool find (Setup::SIDWrapper const &) const; bool populated() const { return populated_;} void populate(); private: mutable bool populated_; char *buffer; DWORD bufferSize; Setup::HANDLEWrapper &token; }; TokenGroupCollection::TokenGroupCollection(DWORD aSize, Setup::HANDLEWrapper &aHandle) : populated_(false), buffer(new char[aSize]), bufferSize(aSize), token(aHandle) { } TokenGroupCollection::~TokenGroupCollection() { if (buffer) delete[] buffer; } void TokenGroupCollection::populate() { if (!GetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenGroups, buffer, bufferSize, &bufferSize)) { log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "GetTokenInformation() failed: " << GetLastError () << endLog; return; } populated_ = true; } bool TokenGroupCollection::find (Setup::SIDWrapper const &aSID) const { if (!populated()) return false; TOKEN_GROUPS *groups = (TOKEN_GROUPS *) buffer; for (DWORD pg = 0; pg < groups->GroupCount; ++pg) if (EqualSid(groups->Groups[pg].Sid, aSID.theSID())) return true; return false; } class NTSecurity { public: static void NoteFailedAPI(String const &); NTSecurity(); ~NTSecurity(); /* prevent synthetics */ NTSecurity &operator=(NTSecurity const&); NTSecurity(NTSecurity const &); void setDefaultSecurity(); private: void failed(bool const &); bool const &failed() const; void initialiseEveryOneSID(); void setDefaultDACL (); Setup::SIDWrapper everyOneSID, administratorsSID, usid; Setup::HANDLEWrapper token; bool failed_; struct { PSID psid; char buf[MAX_SID_LEN]; } osid; DWORD size; }; void set_default_sec() { NTSecurity worker; worker.setDefaultSecurity(); } void NTSecurity::NoteFailedAPI(String const &api) { log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << api << "() failed: " << GetLastError () << endLog; } NTSecurity::NTSecurity() : everyOneSID (), administratorsSID(), usid(), token(), failed_(false) {} NTSecurity::~NTSecurity() { } void NTSecurity::failed(bool const &aBool) { failed_ = aBool; } bool const & NTSecurity::failed() const { return failed_; } void NTSecurity::initialiseEveryOneSID() { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sid_auth = { SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY }; if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid (&sid_auth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &everyOneSID.theSID())) { NoteFailedAPI ("AllocateAndInitializeSid"); failed(true); } } void NTSecurity::setDefaultDACL () { /* To assure that the created files have a useful ACL, the default DACL in the process token is set to full access to everyone. This applies to files and subdirectories created in directories which don't propagate permissions to child objects. To assure that the files group is meaningful, a token primary group of None is changed to Users or Administrators. */ initialiseEveryOneSID(); if (failed()) return; /* Create a buffer which has enough room to contain the TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL structure plus an ACL with one ACE. */ size_t bufferSize = sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(everyOneSID.theSID()) - sizeof(DWORD); std::auto_ptr buf (new char[bufferSize]); /* First initialize the TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL structure. */ PACL dacl = (PACL)buf.get(); /* Initialize the ACL for containing one ACE. */ if (!InitializeAcl (dacl, bufferSize, ACL_REVISION)) { NoteFailedAPI ("InitializeAcl"); failed(true); return; } /* Create the ACE which grants full access to "Everyone" and store it in dacl. */ if (!AddAccessAllowedAce (dacl, ACL_REVISION, GENERIC_ALL, everyOneSID.theSID())) { NoteFailedAPI ("AddAccessAllowedAce"); failed(true); return; } /* Get the processes access token. */ if (!OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT, &token.theHANDLE())) { NoteFailedAPI ("OpenProcessToken"); failed(true); return; } /* Set the default DACL to the above computed ACL. */ if (!SetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenDefaultDacl, &dacl, bufferSize)) { NoteFailedAPI ("SetTokenInformation"); failed(true); } } void NTSecurity::setDefaultSecurity () { setDefaultDACL(); if (failed()) return; /* Get the user */ if (!GetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenUser, &osid, sizeof osid, &size)) { NoteFailedAPI("GetTokenInformation"); return; } /* Make it the owner */ if (!SetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenOwner, &osid, sizeof osid)) { NoteFailedAPI("SetTokenInformation"); return; } SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sid_auth; sid_auth = (SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY) { SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY }; /* Get the SID for "Administrators" S-1-5-32-544 */ if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid (&sid_auth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &administratorsSID.theSID())) { NoteFailedAPI("AllocateAndInitializeSid"); return; } /* Get the SID for "Users" S-1-5-32-545 */ if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid (&sid_auth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &usid.theSID())) { NoteFailedAPI("AllocateAndInitializeSid"); return; } /* Get the token groups */ if (!GetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &size) && GetLastError () != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { NoteFailedAPI("GetTokenInformation"); return; } TokenGroupCollection ntGroups(size, token); ntGroups.populate(); if (!ntGroups.populated()) return; /* Set the default group to one of the above computed SID. */ PSID nsid = NULL; if (ntGroups.find (usid)) { nsid = usid.theSID(); log(LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "Changing gid to Users" << endLog; } else if (ntGroups.find (administratorsSID)) { nsid = administratorsSID.theSID(); log(LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "Changing gid to Administrators" << endLog; } if (nsid && !SetTokenInformation (token.theHANDLE(), TokenPrimaryGroup, &nsid, sizeof nsid)) NoteFailedAPI ("SetTokenInformation"); } // Other threads talk to this page, so we need to have it externable. ThreeBarProgressPage Progress; // This is a little ugly, but the decision about where to log occurs // after the source is set AND the root mount obtained // so we make the actual logger available to the appropriate routine(s). LogFile *theLog; #ifndef __CYGWIN__ int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE h, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR command_line, int cmd_show) { hinstance = h; #else int main (int argc, char **argv) { hinstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL); #endif char *cwd=new char[_MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory (_MAX_PATH, cwd); local_dir = String (cwd); delete cwd; LogSingleton::SetInstance (*(theLog = LogFile::createLogFile())); theLog->setFile (LOG_BABBLE, local_dir + "/setup.log.full", false); theLog->setFile (0, local_dir + "/setup.log", true); log (LOG_PLAIN) << "Starting cygwin install, version " << version << endLog; UserSettings::Instance().loadAllSettings(); SplashPage Splash; AntiVirusPage AntiVirus; SourcePage Source; RootPage Root; LocalDirPage LocalDir; NetPage Net; SitePage Site; ChooserPage Chooser; DesktopSetupPage Desktop; PropSheet MainWindow; log (LOG_TIMESTAMP) << "Current Directory: " << local_dir << endLog; // TODO: make an equivalent for __argv under cygwin. char **_argv; #ifndef __CYGWIN__ int argc; // char **_argv; #ifndef __CYGWIN__ for (argc = 0, _argv = __argv; *_argv; _argv++)++argc; _argv = __argv; #else // for (argc = 0, _argv = argv; *_argv; _argv++)++argc; _argv = argv; #endif #else _argv = argv; #endif if (!GetOption::GetInstance().Process (argc,_argv)) theLog->exit(1); // #endif unattended_mode = UnattendedOption; /* Set the default DACL and Group only on NT/W2K. 9x/ME has no idea of access control lists and security at all. */ if (iswinnt) set_default_sec (); // Initialize common controls InitCommonControls (); // Init window class lib Window::SetAppInstance (hinstance); // Create pages Splash.Create (); AntiVirus.Create (); Source.Create (); Root.Create (); LocalDir.Create (); Net.Create (); Site.Create (); Chooser.Create (); Progress.Create (); Desktop.Create (); // Add pages to sheet MainWindow.AddPage (&Splash); MainWindow.AddPage (&AntiVirus); MainWindow.AddPage (&Source); MainWindow.AddPage (&Root); MainWindow.AddPage (&LocalDir); MainWindow.AddPage (&Net); MainWindow.AddPage (&Site); MainWindow.AddPage (&Chooser); MainWindow.AddPage (&Progress); MainWindow.AddPage (&Desktop); // Create the PropSheet main window MainWindow.Create (); // Clean exit.. save user options. UserSettings::Instance().saveAllSettings(); theLog->exit (0); /* Keep gcc happy :} */ return 0; }