/* * Copyright (c) 2000, Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by DJ Delorie * */ /* The purpose of this file is to get the list of mirror sites and ask the user which mirror site they want to download from. */ static char *cvsid = "\n%%% $Id$\n"; #include "win32.h" #include #include #include #include "dialog.h" #include "resource.h" #include "state.h" #include "geturl.h" #include "msg.h" #include "concat.h" #include "mount.h" #include "log.h" #include "port.h" #define NO_IDX (-1) #define OTHER_IDX (-2) typedef struct { char *url; char *displayed_url; char *sort_key; } site_list_type; static site_list_type *site_list = 0; static int list_idx = NO_IDX; static int mirror_idx = NO_IDX; static void check_if_enable_next (HWND h) { EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (h, IDOK), (mirror_idx != NO_IDX) ? 1 : 0); } static void load_dialog (HWND h) { HWND listbox = GetDlgItem (h, IDC_URL_LIST); SendMessage (listbox, LB_SETCURSEL, list_idx, 0); check_if_enable_next (h); } static void save_dialog (HWND h) { HWND listbox = GetDlgItem (h, IDC_URL_LIST); list_idx = SendMessage (listbox, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (list_idx == LB_ERR) { mirror_site = 0; mirror_idx = NO_IDX; list_idx = NO_IDX; } else { mirror_idx = SendMessage (listbox, LB_GETITEMDATA, list_idx, 0); if (mirror_idx == OTHER_IDX) mirror_site = 0; else mirror_site = site_list[mirror_idx].url; } } static void get_root_dir () { int istext; int issystem; if (root_dir) return; root_dir = find_root_mount (&istext, &issystem); } void save_site_url () { if (! MIRROR_SITE) return; get_root_dir (); if (! root_dir) return; FILE *f = fopen (concat (root_dir, "/etc/setup/last-mirror", 0), "wb"); if (!f) return; fprintf (f, "%s\n", MIRROR_SITE); fclose (f); } static BOOL dialog_cmd (HWND h, int id, HWND hwndctl, UINT code) { switch (id) { case IDC_URL_LIST: save_dialog (h); check_if_enable_next (h); break; case IDOK: save_dialog (h); if (mirror_idx == OTHER_IDX) NEXT (IDD_OTHER_URL); else { other_url = 0; save_site_url (); NEXT (IDD_S_LOAD_INI); } break; case IDC_BACK: save_dialog (h); NEXT (IDD_NET); break; case IDCANCEL: NEXT (0); break; } } static BOOL CALLBACK dialog_proc (HWND h, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int i, j; HWND listbox; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: listbox = GetDlgItem (h, IDC_URL_LIST); for (i=0; site_list[i].url; i++) { j = SendMessage (listbox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)site_list[i].displayed_url); SendMessage (listbox, LB_SETITEMDATA, j, i); } j = SendMessage (listbox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Other URL"); SendMessage (listbox, LB_SETITEMDATA, j, OTHER_IDX); load_dialog (h); return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: return HANDLE_WM_COMMAND (h, wParam, lParam, dialog_cmd); } return FALSE; } static int site_sort (const void *va, const void *vb) { site_list_type *a = (site_list_type *)va; site_list_type *b = (site_list_type *)vb; return strcmp (a->sort_key, b->sort_key); } static int get_site_list (HINSTANCE h) { char mirror_url[1000]; if (LoadString (h, IDS_MIRROR_LST, mirror_url, sizeof (mirror_url)) <= 0) return 1; char *mirrors = get_url_to_string (mirror_url); dismiss_url_status_dialog (); if (!mirrors) return 1; char *bol, *eol, *nl; /* null plus account for possibly missing NL plus account for "Other URL" from previous run. */ int nmirrors = 3; for (bol=mirrors; *bol; bol++) if (*bol == '\n') nmirrors ++; site_list = (site_list_type *) malloc (nmirrors * sizeof (site_list_type)); nmirrors = 0; nl = mirrors; while (*nl) { bol = nl; for (eol = bol; *eol && *eol != '\n'; eol++) ; if (*eol) nl = eol+1; else nl = eol; while (eol > bol && eol[-1] == '\r') eol--; *eol = 0; if (bol[0] != '#' && bol[0] > ' ') { char *semi = strchr (bol, ';'); if (semi) *semi = 0; site_list[nmirrors].url = _strdup (bol); site_list[nmirrors].displayed_url = _strdup (bol); char *dot = strchr (site_list[nmirrors].displayed_url, '.'); if (dot) { dot = strchr (dot, '/'); if (dot) *dot = 0; } site_list[nmirrors].sort_key = (char *) malloc (2*strlen (bol) + 3); dot = site_list[nmirrors].displayed_url; dot += strlen (dot); char *dp = site_list[nmirrors].sort_key; while (dot != site_list[nmirrors].displayed_url) { if (*dot == '.' || *dot == '/') { char *sp; if (dot[3] == 0) *dp++ = '~'; /* sort .com/.edu/.org together */ for (sp=dot+1; *sp && *sp != '.' && *sp != '/';) *dp++ = *sp++; *dp++ = ' '; } dot--; } *dp++ = ' '; strcpy (dp, site_list[nmirrors].displayed_url); nmirrors++; } } site_list[nmirrors].url = 0; qsort (site_list, nmirrors, sizeof (site_list_type), site_sort); return 0; } static void get_initial_list_idx () { get_root_dir (); if (! root_dir) return; FILE *f = fopen (concat (root_dir, "/etc/setup/last-mirror", 0), "rt"); if (!f) return; char site[1000]; site[0]='\0'; char * fg_ret = fgets (site, 1000, f); fclose (f); if (! fg_ret) return; char *eos = site + strlen (site) - 1; while (eos >= site && (*eos == '\n' || *eos == '\r')) *eos-- = '\0'; if (eos < site) return; int i; for (i = 0; site_list[i].url; i++) if (strcmp (site_list[i].url, site) == 0) break; if (! site_list[i].url) { site_list[i].displayed_url = site_list[i].url = _strdup (site); site_list[i+1].url = 0; } mirror_idx = list_idx = i; } void do_site (HINSTANCE h) { int rv = 0; if (site_list == 0) if (get_site_list (h)) { NEXT (0); return; } get_initial_list_idx (); rv = DialogBox (h, MAKEINTRESOURCE (IDD_SITE), 0, dialog_proc); if (rv == -1) fatal (IDS_DIALOG_FAILED); if (mirror_idx != OTHER_IDX) log (0, "site: %s", mirror_site); }