Provenance, licensing, and resolution, Oh My! Windows .ICO file format ======================================================================== Windows icons come in many flavors: size, number of colors, transparency mechanism, etc. The format of a single .ico image: ---------------------------------- Each image contains (among other things) o an indication of its size in pixels o an indication of the bit depth: 1,4,8,24,32 o [optional]: a palette, containing * N entries, where N = 2 ^ bitdepth * each entry contains a 32bit record, consisting of an 8bit R, G, B triple and a reserve byte (no, it's not used for alpha) o an "AND" mask containing (most of) the pixel data. This is an MxM raster (LL->LR, ... UL->UR) of pixels, where each pixel is represented by 1, 4, 8, 24, or 32 bits. If 4 or 8, then the values represent indices into the palette. If 1, the values represent black/white. If 24, the values represent 24bit RGB data. If 32, the values represent 24bit RGB data + 8bit alpha. o [optional]: an "XOR" maks containing (more) pixel data. This is an MxM raster (LL->LR, ... UL->UR) of pixels, where each pixel is represent by 1 bit. This is used to create transparency (and other effects) for 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit icons. 32bit icons have a built-in alpha channel in the "AND" mask, which provides all the transparency effects it needs. One-bit transparency: --------------------- Applies to 1,4,8, and 24 bit icon images. As mentioned above, each icon image actually contains two MxM pixel data arrays. The first is called the "AND mask" and uses N bits per pixel (where N is 1,4,8,24,or 32, although 32 bit icons use a different mechanism for transparency). The second data array is called the "XOR mask" and is one bit per pixel. The XOR mask allows a few fancy effects: transparency, but also "inverting" the background. For transparency to work, you have to choose one of your 16 (or 256, or 16M) colors as the "transparent" color, and then make sure the XOR mask has 1's everywhere the transparent color is used in the AND mask, and 0's everywhere else. For all the nitty-gritty, see By setting up places in the image where the XOR mask has 1's, but the transparent color is not used in the AND mask at that location, you get color-inversion at those locations. Most icon editors simplify this process: you don't deal with the XOR mask directly. Instead, you pick a color to be the "transparent" one, and the editor figures out how to construct the XOR mask from that. (Thus, color-inversion effects are hard to achieve with most icon editors). The point is this: you get N colors (where N=2 ^ bitdepth, so 16 for 4bit, 256 for 8bit, 16M for 24bit) and NO transparency, or you get N-1 colors and transparency. Main icon format types: ----------------------- 16 color: icons which contain only 16 colors chosen from a specific palette (not just ANY 16 colors). This palette is the EGA 16: 0 0 0 black 128 0 0 dark red 0 128 0 dark green 128 128 0 brown 0 0 128 dark blue 128 0 128 purple 0 128 128 teal 128 128 128 grey 192 192 192 light grey 255 0 0 red 0 255 0 green 255 255 0 yellow 0 0 255 blue 255 0 255 magenta 0 255 255 cyan 255 255 255 white Additionally, one of these 16 colors can be designated the "transparent" color, given 15 "real" colors and 1-bit transparency. "1-bit" transparency means no alpha, and no anti-aliasing. 256color: icons which contain only 256 colors the palette can specify 256 unique colors chosen from the universe of 16M 24bit RGB values. Many 256color icons use a standard palette (the so-called web-safe 216, plus 40 others chosen somehow). Again, one of these 256 colors can be designated the "transparent" color. Windows XP style guidelines say that magenta (#ff00ff) should be used for this. "1-bit" transparency means no alpha, and no anti-aliasing. 24bit : 16M colors, but you have to give up one of them if you want transparency. No alpha, no anti-aliasing. 32bit : 16M colors, with full 8bit alpha support and anti-aliasing. Main icon sizes: ---------------- 16x16 : used on the TaskBar 24x24 : uncommon. used on the left half of the Start Menu in Windows XP. 32x32 : default icon size for desktop icons 48x48 : DisplayProperties->Appearance->Advanced, Item=Icon, set size. Not often used. 64x64 : New icon size for Vista. 256x256 : New icon size for Vista. Stored in compressed PNG format within the .ico file; completely violates all the rules described above. Icons in this package: ======================================================================== Provenance, licensing, and resolution information. ================================================== cygwin.ico License : GPL Author : unknown Provenance : setup module on cygwin-apps repository cvs co setup subdir: setup/cygwin.ico Comments : Contents : 48x48 16 color 32x32 16 color 16x16 16 color ================================================== cygwinred.ico cygwinblue.ico cygwincyan.ico cygwinpurple.ico cygwinyellow.ico License : GPL Author : Charles Wilson Provenance: cygutils module on cygwin-apps repository cvs co cygutils subdir: cygutils/src/cygicons/ Comments : simple derived works, derived from cygwin.ico Contents : 48x48 16 color 32x32 16 color 16x16 16 color ================================================== cygwinshiny.ico License : GPL (assumed) Author : Nicky H. Provenance: posted to cygwin mailing list Comments : was posted with the express hope that it be incorporated into the setup.exe source code, which would require GPL. Note that this version has been modified from the original, 32bit-only contribution: I added 256color and 16color versions. Contents : 48x48 16 color 32x32 16 color 16x16 16 color 48x48 256 color 32x32 256 color 16x16 256 color 48x48 32bit 32x32 32bit 16x16 32bit ================================================== cygwing.ico License : Public Domain (assumed) Author : August Mayer Provenance: posted to cygwin mailing list Comments : While I'm not a graphic designer or the like, I have created a slightly improved version of the Cygwin icon. Enjoy! -- A. Mayer Contents : 32x32 16 color 16x16 16 color 32x32 256 color ================================================== cygwings.ico License : Public Domain (assumed) Author : August Mayer Provenance: posted to cygwin mailing list Comments : Similar to cygwing.ico, but with better anti-aliasing Contents : 32x32 16 color 16x16 16 color 32x32 256 color ================================================== cygwin-kdelook.ico License : GPL Author : FBL Provenance: submitted to Comments : Contents : 96x96 256 color 72x72 256 color 64x64 256 color 48x48 256 color 32x32 256 color 16x16 256 color 96x96 24bit 72x72 24bit 64x64 24bit 48x48 24bit 32x32 24bit 16x16 24bit 96x96 32bit 72x72 32bit 64x64 32bit 48x48 32bit 32x32 32bit 16x16 32bit ================================================== hippo.ico License : CC-BY-SA 3.0 Author : Charles Wilson Provenance: derived from public domain, Michal Pecyna Comments : Contents : 48x48 16 color 32x32 16 color 24x24 16 color 16x16 16 color 48x48 256 color 32x32 256 color 24x24 256 color 16x16 256 color 64x64 32bit 48x48 32bit 32x32 32bit 24x24 32bit 16x16 32bit 256x256 32bit PNG Creative Commons License
hippo.ico by Charles Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at