/* * Copyright (c) 2001, Gary R. Van Sickle. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/ * * Written by Gary R. Van Sickle * */ // This is the implementation of the ThreeBarProgressPage class. It is a fairly generic // progress indicator property page with three progress bars. #include #include "LogFile.h" #include "win32.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "resource.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "site.h" #include "propsheet.h" #include "threebar.h" #include "String++.h" #include "state.h" #include "ControlAdjuster.h" /* Sizing information. */ static ControlAdjuster::ControlInfo ThreeBarControlsInfo[] = { {IDC_INS_ACTION, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_PKG, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_FILE, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_DISKFULL, CP_STRETCH, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_IPROGRESS, CP_STRETCH, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_PPROGRESS, CP_STRETCH, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_BL_PACKAGE, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_BL_TOTAL, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {IDC_INS_BL_DISK, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP}, {0, CP_LEFT, CP_TOP} }; ThreeBarProgressPage::ThreeBarProgressPage () { sizeProcessor.AddControlInfo (ThreeBarControlsInfo); } bool ThreeBarProgressPage::Create () { return PropertyPage::Create (IDD_INSTATUS); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::OnInit () { // Get HWNDs to the dialog controls ins_action = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_ACTION); ins_pkgname = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_PKG); ins_filename = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_FILE); // Bars ins_pprogress = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_PPROGRESS); ins_iprogress = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_IPROGRESS); ins_diskfull = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_DISKFULL); // Bar labels ins_bl_package = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_BL_PACKAGE); ins_bl_total = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_BL_TOTAL); ins_bl_disk = GetDlgItem (IDC_INS_BL_DISK); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText1 (const wchar_t * t) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_action, t); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText2 (const wchar_t * t) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_pkgname, t); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText2 (const TCHAR * t) { ::SetWindowText (ins_pkgname, t); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText3 (const TCHAR * t) { ::SetWindowText (ins_filename, t); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText4 (const TCHAR * t) { ::SetWindowText (ins_bl_package, t); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText1 (unsigned int id) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_action, LoadStringW(id).c_str()); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText2 (unsigned int id) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_pkgname, LoadStringW(id).c_str()); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText3 (unsigned int id) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_filename, LoadStringW(id).c_str()); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetText4 (unsigned int id) { ::SetWindowTextW (ins_bl_package, LoadStringW(id).c_str()); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetBar1 (off_t progress, off_t max) { int percent = (int) (100.0 * ((double) progress) / (double) max); SendMessage (ins_pprogress, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) percent, 0); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetBar2 (off_t progress, off_t max) { int percent = (int) (100.0 * ((double) progress) / (double) max); SendMessage (ins_iprogress, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) percent, 0); // also update window title to show progress std::wstring caption = LoadStringW(IDS_MBOX_CAPTION); std::wstring s = format(L"%d%% - %ls", percent, caption.c_str()); GetOwner ()->SetWindowText (s.c_str()); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::SetBar3 (off_t progress, off_t max) { int percent = (int) (100.0 * ((double) progress) / (double) max); SendMessage (ins_diskfull, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM) percent, 0); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::EnableSingleBar (bool enable) { // Switch to/from single bar mode ShowWindow (ins_bl_total, enable ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow (ins_bl_disk, enable ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow (ins_iprogress, enable ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); ShowWindow (ins_diskfull, enable ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW); } void ThreeBarProgressPage::OnActivate () { // Disable back and next buttons GetOwner ()->SetButtons (0); // Set all bars to 0 SetBar1 (0); SetBar2 (0); SetBar3 (0); switch (task) { case WM_APP_START_SITE_INFO_DOWNLOAD: case WM_APP_START_SETUP_INI_DOWNLOAD: case WM_APP_PREREQ_CHECK: // For these tasks, show only a single progress bar. EnableSingleBar (); break; default: // Show the normal 3-bar view by default EnableSingleBar (false); break; } Window::PostMessageNow (task); } bool ThreeBarProgressPage::OnMessageApp (UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_APP_PREREQ_CHECK: { // Start the prereq-check thread do_prereq_check (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_PREREQ_CHECK_THREAD_COMPLETE: { GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (lParam); break; } case WM_APP_START_DOWNLOAD: { // Start the package download thread. do_download (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_DOWNLOAD_THREAD_COMPLETE: { if (lParam == IDD_S_INSTALL) { // Download is complete and we want to go on to the install. Window::PostMessageNow (WM_APP_START_INSTALL); } else if (lParam != 0) { // Download either failed or completed in download-only mode. GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (lParam); } else { Log (LOG_PLAIN) << "Unexpected fallthrough from the download thread" << endLog; } break; } case WM_APP_START_INSTALL: { // Start the install thread. do_install (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_INSTALL_THREAD_COMPLETE: { // Install is complete and we want to go on to the postinstall. Window::PostMessageNow (WM_APP_START_POSTINSTALL); break; } case WM_APP_START_POSTINSTALL: { // Start the postinstall script thread. do_postinstall (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_POSTINSTALL_THREAD_COMPLETE: { GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (lParam); break; } case WM_APP_START_SITE_INFO_DOWNLOAD: { do_download_site_info (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_SITE_INFO_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE: { GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (lParam); break; } case WM_APP_START_SETUP_INI_DOWNLOAD: { do_ini (GetInstance (), GetHWND ()); break; } case WM_APP_SETUP_INI_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE: { if (lParam) GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (IDD_CHOOSE); else { if (source == IDC_SOURCE_LOCALDIR) { // There was a setup.ini file (as found by do_fromcwd), but it // had parse errors. In unattended mode, don't retry even once, // because we'll only loop forever. if (unattended_mode) { Log (LOG_PLAIN) << "can't install from bad local package dir" << endLog; Logger ().setExitMsg (IDS_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE); Logger ().exit (1); } GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (IDD_SOURCE); } else { // Download failed, try another site; in unattended mode, retry // the same site a few times in case it was a transient network // glitch, but don't loop forever. static int retries = 4; if (unattended_mode && retries-- <= 0) { Log (LOG_PLAIN) << "download/verify error in unattended_mode: out of retries" << endLog; Logger ().setExitMsg (IDS_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE); Logger ().exit (1); } GetOwner ()->SetActivePageByID (IDD_SITE); } } break; } default: { // Not handled return false; } } return true; }