problems with guile?

Dmitry Morozhnikov
Mon Jun 24 10:01:00 GMT 2002


i want to play with cgen, but can`t get it run. what version of guile must be used for cgen? i try 1.3.4 and 1.4.1, but they both complain in map procedure:

guile> (load "dev.scm")
guile> (load-opc)
guile> (cload #:arch "ia32")

 9  [dynamic-wind #<procedure ()> #<procedure ()> #<procedure ()>]
10* [#<procedure ()>]
11* (letrec ((loop (lambda # #))) (loop (read)))
12  [loop (include "")]
13  (begin (reader-process entry) (loop (read)))
14* [reader-process (dsmf f-mod-r/m "entire mod-r/m byte" ...)]
15  (let ((expansion (if # entry #))) (-reader-process-expanded expansion))
16  [-reader-process-expanded-1 #]
17* (let ((command #)) (if command (let* # #) ...))
18  (if command (let* (# # #) (if # # ...)) ...)
19  [define-full-multi-ifield f-mod-r/m "entire mod-r/m byte" ...]
20  (let ((f #)) (current-ifld-add! f) f)
21* [-multi-ifield-parse "define-full-multi-ifield" f-mod-r/m ...]
22  (let (# # #) (elm-xset! result # name) (elm-xset! result # #) ...)
23* (if insert (elm-xset! result (quote insert) ...) ...)
24  [elm-xset! #(#("object" # f-mod-r/m ...) (# #f # ...)) insert ...
25*  [-multi-ifield-make-default-insert f-mod-r/m (#(# #) #(# #) #(# #))]
26   (let* ((lengths #) (shifts #)) (let (#) (apply rtx-make #)))
27   (let ((exprs #)) (apply rtx-make (cons # #)))
28*  [map #<procedure (f length shift)> (#(# #) #(# #) #(# #)) (2 3 3) ...]

./ifield.scm:824:18: In procedure map in expression (map (lambda # #) subfields ...):
./ifield.scm:824:18: Argument out of range: (0 0 2 5)
ABORT: (out-of-range)

actually, lists 'shifts' in strings 827 and 846 are larger then lists 'subfields' and 'lengths'. when i remove one '(cons 0 ...' from 'shifts' constructor -- cgen starts, but also can`t produce anything from ia32.cpu (which is interesting for me). 

tried with cgen-1.0 and cvs version.

DM, Dmitry Morozhnikov, PGPKEY 0xB6C14D95,
music at

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