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Updated: php-5.6.7-1

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

* php-5.6.7-1
* apache2-mod_php5-5.6.7-1
* php-bcmath-5.6.7-1
* php-bz2-5.6.7-1
* php-calendar-5.6.7-1
* php-ctype-5.6.7-1
* php-curl-5.6.7-1
* php-dba-5.6.7-1
* php-devel-5.6.7-1
* php-enchant-5.6.7-1
* php-exif-5.6.7-1
* php-fileinfo-5.6.7-1
* php-ftp-5.6.7-1
* php-gd-5.6.7-1
* php-gettext-5.6.7-1
* php-gmp-5.6.7-1
* php-iconv-5.6.7-1
* php-imap-5.6.7-1
* php-intl-5.6.7-1
* php-ldap-5.6.7-1
* php-mbstring-5.6.7-1
* php-mcrypt-5.6.7-1
* php-mssql-5.6.7-1
* php-mysql-5.6.7-1
* php-mysqli-5.6.7-1
* php-odbc-5.6.7-1
* php-opcache-5.6.7-1
* php-pdo_dblib-5.6.7-1
* php-pdo_mysql-5.6.7-1
* php-pdo_odbc-5.6.7-1
* php-pdo_sqlite-5.6.7-1
* php-pgsql-5.6.7-1
* php-phar-5.6.7-1
* php-posix-5.6.7-1
* php-pspell-5.6.7-1
* php-recode-5.6.7-1
* php-shmop-5.6.7-1
* php-simplexml-5.6.7-1
* php-soap-5.6.7-1
* php-sockets-5.6.7-1
* php-sqlite3-5.6.7-1
* php-sybase_ct-5.6.7-1
* php-sysvmsg-5.6.7-1
* php-sysvsem-5.6.7-1
* php-sysvshm-5.6.7-1
* php-tidy-5.6.7-1
* php-tokenizer-5.6.7-1
* php-wddx-5.6.7-1
* php-xmlreader-5.6.7-1
* php-xmlrpc-5.6.7-1
* php-xmlwriter-5.6.7-1
* php-xsl-5.6.7-1
* php-zip-5.6.7-1
* php-zlib-5.6.7-1

PHP (recursive acronym for 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor') is a
widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is
especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

This is an update to the latest upstream stable release, which includes
fixes for CVE-2015-0231, CVE-2015-2305 and CVE-2015-2331:


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