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Re: Setup's download "local cache" storage directory!!!!

Earnie Boyd wrote:

> Also, the way that things are coded for choosing
> multiple mirror sites I could have the same file in more than one
> directory in the cache.  Ouch, that bites.

I don't think that will happen.  Of all of the versions of project 'bob' 
on all of the download sites, only the newest one (as indicated by the 
various setup.ini's) will be downloaded to the local cache.  So, if on 
Tuesday site X has bob-1.0-1 (and everybody else has bob-0.9), then only 
http%%%X%%% will contain a bob tarball.

On Wednesday, site Y has bob-2.0 -- now, we download bob-2.0 tarball 
into http%%%Y%%%.  Okay, so you now have two bob tarballs in the local 
cache -- but they are different versions.


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