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Re: setup.exe-HEAD should build from CVS on gcc-3.

Robert Collins <> wrote:

> Also, I've remembered the bug. HEAD selects the wrong default package
> (i.e. running it here it defaulted to openssl ...9.6e.) AFAIK that's
> the only bug preventing release.
> Until I've moved though, I won't have the
> time to do in-depth analysis.


Here is something for you to think about once you get the time.

This seems to fix the bug. I say 'seems' because I found the
package{db,meta,version} classes quite complex, and don't have a full
understanding of how they work together.

I will be running setup 2.293 + my patches, and will post if I notice any
unintended interactions.


############## Begin Patch #################
RCS file: /home/max/cvsmirror/cygwin-apps-cvs/setup/,v
retrieving revision 2.12
diff -u -p -r2.12
--- 2002/11/10 03:40:36 2.12
+++ 2002/11/15 17:16:27
@@ -351,14 +351,13 @@ processOneDependency(trusts deftrust, si
      desired */
   packagedb db;
   packagemeta *required = db.findBinary (*spec);
-  set <packageversion>::iterator v;
-  for (v = required->versions.begin();
-    v != required->versions.end() && !spec->satisfies (*v); ++v);
-  if (v != required->versions.end())
+  packageversion v = required->trustp(deftrust);
+  /* should we test the returned packageversion ? */
       /* preserve source */
       bool sourceticked = required->desired.sourcePackage().picked();
       /* install this version */
+      required->desired = v;
       required->desired = *v;
       required->desired.pick (required->installed != required->desired);
       required->desired.sourcePackage().pick (sourceticked);
############### End Patch #################

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