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[ITP] dog 1.7 -- Enhanced replacement for cat

Included in Debian stable:


sdesc: "Enhanced replacement for cat"
ldesc: "Program writes the contents of each given file, URL or standard input
to standard output. It currently supports file, http and raw URLs. It
is designed as a compatible, but enhanced replacement for cat."
category: Net
requires: cygwin

a) manual

  wget \ \ \

b) automated

  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 955A92D8

  mkdir dog ; cd dog
  rm -f
  wget \
  gpg --verify &&

Not quite wget(1) clone. Options:

 -A, --show-all         equivalent to -vET
 -b, --number-nonblank  precede each non-blank line with its line number
 -B, --no-blanks        only print lines with non-whitespace characters
     --bind=port        dump each connection to port, print connection output
     --dos              convert line endings to DOS-style
 -e                     equivalent to -vE
 -E, --show-ends        display $ at the end of each line
     --hang-up          do not wait for socket input during --bind
     --hide-nonprinting hide non-printing characters
     --help             display this help message and exit
     --hex              display the data as a hex dump
     --images           list unique, absolute image links from input data
     --krad             convert lines to k-rad
 -l lines               list of lines to print, comma delimited, ranges allowed
     --links            list unique, absolute URL links from input data
     --lower            convert all upper-case characters to lower
     --mac              convert line endings to Macintosh-style
 -n, --number           precede each line with its line number
     --no-header        do not dump out the header on each connection in --bind,
                        and don't dump header in URL data
     --oog              OOG A STRING!!!
     --rot=num          rotate character values (can be negative)
 -s, --squeeze-blank    never more than one single blank link
     --strfry           stir-fry each line (Linux only)
     --sock=domain:port connect, dump input to socket, print socket output
     --sock-test        with --sock, print if connection can be made
 -t                     equivalent to -vT
 -T, --show-tabs        display TAB characters as ^I
     --skip-tags        do not process HTML tags from input, and simply output them as-is
     --translate        translate end-of-line characters
 -u                     ignored
     --udp              use UDP rather than TCP on socket activity
     --unix             convert line endings to UNIX-style
     --upper            convert all lower-case characters to upper
 -v, --show-nonprinting use ^ and M- notation, except for TAB
 -w[cols]               print first 'cols' characters of each line (default=80)
     --version          output version information and exit

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