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Re: Base Cygwin now requires Python?

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 01:58:13AM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 05:41:05AM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>On 16 May 2013 23:59, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 07:39:59PM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>>>On 16 May 2013 07:41, Steven Penny wrote:
>>>>> Because of this dependency line
>>>>> mintty
>>>>>  cygutils
>>>>Hmm, mintty doesn't depend on cygutils anymore since setup.exe creates
>>>>the "Cygwin Terminal" shortcut for it, and its setup.hint reflects
>>>>that. Yet setup.ini does indeed contain the following line for mintty:
>>>>requires: bash cygutils cygwin
>>>>Is the problem that the setup.hint doesn't contain a 'requires:' line
>>>>at all (since mintty has no dependencies apart from the implicit
>>>>'cygwin')? Does upset keep previous dependencies in that case?
>>> What??? No!  Of course it doesn't!  What a daft notion!
>>> Oh.  Actually, now that I think of it, the way upset is run, it's the
>>> union of an existing setup.ini and setup.hint.  So, if there is no
>>> requires: line it would get pulled from setup.ini.
>>> I've taken the liberty of adding a "requires:" line to mintty's setup.hint.
>>Thanks, I've updated the copy in mintty svn accordingly.
>I've confirmed that setup.exe now has a blank requires line.
>Hmm.  Actually, I think that means that the requires line could actually
>be deleted since upset will no longer try to use the line from

Huh.  The old dependencies came back.  That was surprising and puzzling.
It's too late to investigate why now.  I put the blank requires: back in
the setup.hint.


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