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Re: perl-5.14.4

Achim Gratz writes:
> It turns out that doing so damages the debug information in the library
> and then it can't be extracted later, so I'll have to skip this step
> when building with cygport.  I have no idea how and why this happens;
> the debug information is still there, but quite obviously it can't be
> correctly associated with the code after rebasing.  Is that something
> that can be fixed in rebase or objcopy?

Specifically, running "nm -l" does not output the source files and line
numbers any more.  The entries are still in the object file, but the
association with the symbols has been lost.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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