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Re: [PATCH] Disable AF_UNIX handshake with setsockopt(..., SO_PEERCRED, ...)

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I was just looking into applying your patch when I got thinking over the
change in once more.  You're setting the connect_state from
connect_pending to connected there when there's something to read on the

This puzzles me.  A completed connection attempt should set the
write_selected flag (see function peek_socket).

No, peek_socket() does not change write_selected. It sets write_read if write_selected is set.

   The AF_LOCAL handling
in the

   if (me->write_selected && me->write_ready)

case in set_bits should cover this.  What situation is your special case
covering which is not already covered by the write_selected case?

If only read status is requested via select()/poll(), write_selected is always false and the connect_pending=>connected transition is never done.

After a nonblocking connect(), postfix calls poll() with = POLLIN only. If poll() succeeds, it calls recv(). This fails with ENOTCONN because the state is still connect_pending.


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