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Re: Sounds interesting

On 6/27/07, Dave Korn wrote:
  Nah, he means it.  Windows 200(BC) ran on most contemporary abacuses,
although many had to have more beads and thicker wires installed to handle the
heavy system load it imposed.  Known to the Romans as "Windows CC", it was the
first operating system to allow you to send a message to several citizens at
once (by dispatching a bunch of slaves in parallel), and to this day we still
refer to a secondary destination for an email in a "CC" line.

Actually the key difference between windows 200 and other modern abacuses at the time, was that windows 200 required an extra bead for line breaks, which lead to many headaches for abacuses users trying get their windows 200 programs to run on more modern abacuses.

-- -Andrew Louie

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