
Volker M. Koch
Fri Aug 16 05:25:00 GMT 2002

Hi Thomas,

I have adapted a little script which does the fig2eps procedure. Maybe
you like it, too. It works fine.

Thanks for your help,

#!/bin/tcsh -f

  ######### copy .fig
  cp $1 temp20020815.fig 

  ######### create .pstex and .pstex_t files
  fig2dev -L pstex -p 1 temp20020815.fig >temp20020815.pstex
  fig2dev -L pstex_t -p temp20020815.pstex temp20020815.fig

  ######### create LaTeX2e source and compile it
  echo "\\documentclass{article}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\usepackage{epsfig,amsmath,amssymb}" >>temp20020815.tex
  foreach i ($argv[2-])
    echo "\\usepackage{"$i"}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\usepackage[colorlinks,hyperindex]{hyperref}"
  echo "\\usepackage{geometry}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\geometry{nohead,nofoot,left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt}"
  echo "\\pagestyle{empty}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\begin{document}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\input{%" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo temp20020815.pstex_t% >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "}" >>temp20020815.tex
  echo "\\end{document}" >>temp20020815.tex

  latex -interaction=batchmode temp20020815.tex

  ######### create a postscript file
  dvips -E temp20020815.dvi -o $1.eps

  ######### clean /tmp
  /bin/rm -f temp20020815*

exit 0

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