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RE: Custom icons per window class/name patch

Hi Earle,

> Good to hear, but how to compute in detail ? Additional what about the
> performance ?
> Using the xclient means to transfer the image data every time icon
> setting will
> be performed from the server to the client, which is the server, although the
> data is directly asseccable on the server, isn't it ?
> I assume based on the things I have learned from you, that all the image data
> will be in some property on the server, which has only to be retrieved in some
> mysteric way.
I've got a little success.
Now I'm able to retrieve the pixmap pointer from the WM_HINTS structure and the
bitmap data, the CreateIcon returns an icon handle, but unfortunally the icon
isn't displayed.

Any hints ?


winCreateWindowsWindow (WindowPtr pWin)

add the stuff below after the following two lines in winmultiwindowwindow.c:
  hIcon = LoadIcon (g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_XWIN));
  strcpy(classStr, WINDOW_CLASS_X);

  xPropWMHints *hints;
  GetWMHints(pWin, &hints);

  if (hints->iconPixmap) {
    PixmapPtr iconPtr;
    PixmapPtr maskPtr;
    char *iconData = 0;
    char *maskData = 0;

    iconPtr= LookupIDByType (hints->iconPixmap, RT_PIXMAP);
    ErrorF("icon Pixmap found %x\n",iconPtr);
    if (iconPtr) {
      iconData = malloc(iconPtr->drawable.width * iconPtr->drawable.height *
      miGetImage((DrawablePtr)&iconPtr->drawable, 0, 0, iconPtr->drawable.width,
iconPtr->drawable.height, ZPixmap, 0xffff, iconData);
      ErrorF("buffer %x\n",iconData);

      maskPtr = LookupIDByType (hints->iconMask, RT_PIXMAP);
      ErrorF("mask Pixmap found %x\n",maskPtr);
      if (maskPtr) {
        // FIXME: calc correct size
        maskData = malloc((maskPtr->drawable.width * maskPtr->drawable.height) /
8 );
        miGetImage((DrawablePtr)&maskPtr->drawable, 0, 0,
maskPtr->drawable.width, maskPtr->drawable.height, ZPixmap, 0xffff, maskData);

      hIcon = CreateIcon(NULL,
                  maskData,     // lpbANDbits
                  iconData      // lpbXORbits


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