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Re: Wine creating windows offscreen when "multiwindow" is used?


Yes! That fixed it. Windows from Wine open up just as regular X windows on the primary monitor.

To achieve this is appears as though you're ignoring the Window's requested x/y position entirely and favoring the placement heuristics, as these coordinates are being ignored.

I do have a use-case where I want windows from Wine to be created at a designated position for testing, so I don't have to test on a Windows machine for placement as well. Is it at all possible to have these windows map their coordinates strictly, as in 0,0 on the primary monitor would be 1920x1080 in my case.

For example, I may want a child window which is a custom dialog aligned to the center of its parent, or a newly created window to be center-aligned to the screen.

You've done a great job with this, Jon. I'm not complaining, as this will allow me to begin writing code immediately (I can finally see the window!).

Thanks so much for your help. :)

Matt D.

On 7/9/2014 12:10 PM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 06/07/2014 17:27, Jon TURNEY wrote:
There is some code in XWin which attempts to ensure that the window is
placed somewhere visible, but that assumes that the Window virtual
desktop is a rectangle of size GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN) x

I think it should be pretty straightforward to change this, perhaps to
use MonitorFromPoint() to determine if the window will be visible on a
non-rectangular virtual desktop.

I've built a snapshot with this change.  Perhaps you could try that and
see if it improves things for you?

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