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starting bash from a .bat or .pif file locks up win95

DO NOT START BASH FROM A .BAT FILE !!!	<<<< ----------  Just discovered 5/5/98
starting bash from a .bat file gives you a faster console,
but it gives you the same lockups you get without
setting CYGWIN32=tty
always start bash directly from a shortcut (not a .pif file)
(or manually by double clicking or using BashHere.Inf)

create your shortcut with just
&Target:	g:\bin\bash.exe	(change drive as appropriate)
&Start in:	g:\Cygnus\home  (ditto)
Shortcut &key:	Ctrl + F12 	(or whatever)
&Run:		Maximized

when doing this you must set your env vars in autoexec.bat
or .bashrc

Linux a platform built by, and for users, standing on
the firm legs of reliability, and speed.

Microsoft Windows, a platform without a leg to stand on.

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