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Re: B19.1: Bug- updatedb uses hardcoded path

Hi Mike,

>I've just upgraded to B19.1, and I've installed everything in an
>alternate directory.  When I run updatedb, I get the following error:
>sh.exe-2.01$ updatedb
>FIND: Parse Error 3

I'm quite sure, this isn't the Cygnus, but the Windows "find", which
gives this error.

>/cygnus/b19/var/locatedb.n: No such file or directory updatedb: new
>database would be empty

Because find did not find anything, you get an empty temporary locatedb.
This message also says, that you didn't specify the env vars for updatedb
and locate:
        LOCATE_DB=/foo/bar (for updatedb)
        LOCATE_PATH=/foo:/bar (for locate)

>I assume this is just a hardcoded path somewhere....

It is the standard path :)


Michael Hirmke           | Telefon +49 (911) 557999
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