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Re: Problems with sed, make and NT4 in general

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 03:35:48PM +0300, you [Ville Herva] claimed:
> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 12:44:56PM +0200, you [Simon Sparkes] claimed:
> > 2. sed -f file always reports errors on commands but the same commands
> > work fine on the command line.
> >    Command Example: s/abc/def/ fails in a file with the error "sed: file
> > file line 1 Unknown option to 's'" but is the same command is fine on
> > the command line. e.g. sed -e 's/abc/def/'
> That's because sed uses mmap for reading the supplied by -f. With mmap,
> cygwin does not do the CR/LF conversion (AFAIK). So sed sees option '^M'
> for s// and barfs.
> I think I could make a patch for that... 

Ummh. As of 20000525 snapshot, I can't reproduce this anymore (not with
text or binary mounts). I tought the configuretion succeeded because 

cat > foo <<END

no longer added ^M's in foo, but it's in fact sed that now works. Has some
magic been done to mmap?

-- v --

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