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Re: win2k problem

> From: Dmitri Shparber <>
> I have a following question:
> I have installed cygwin running on 64 bit machine on Win2K,
> and tried to run the xrvt program. The error message I have got was:
> E:\cygwin\bin>rxvt 
>      0 [main] rxvt 1000 sync_with_child: child 2184(0x6C4) died before
> initiali 
> zation with status code 0x80 
>   5213 [main] rxvt 1000 sync_with_child: *** child state waiting for longjmp
> rxvt: can't fork 
> rxvt: aborting 
> Do you know how to deal with that problem? Is cygwin compatible with the
> machine described above?

You don't describe the machine above, so it's rather hard to say.
Are you talking about an alpha system or an Itanium system or
perhaps something else. If it's an Itanium system, I assume you're
running the IA64 version of Win2k - which release?

If you're using an alpha, I think the cygwin port is fairly out of
date. A search of the mailing list would help.

If you're using an Itanium, I suspect you may be the first to do so.
In principle, cygwin should probably work fine on IA-64 Win2k on an
Itanium - but it wouldn't be amazing if there were problems to be
sorted out.

Your problem may well also depend on the version of cygwin you're
running, and the version of rxvt.

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