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Re: RXVT hangs when scrolling text after ctrl-s

--- Daniel Jacobson <> wrote:
> I am running RXVT v2.7 under Win2k/cygwin. 
> My RXVT session freezes up after I type Ctrl-s to pause the
> scrolling 
> output.  I
> am unable to resume the scrolling with Ctrl-Q, and I am unable to
> break out by typing Ctrl-C or ctrl-z.
> This only happens when I am scrolling a lot of text.  I am able to
> Use ctrl-s/ctrl-q when the screen is empty.
> I am starting it with these params:
> @rxvt.exe -sr -sl 4096 -fg lightblue -geometry 90x30 -bg
> midnightblue 
> -sb -tn rxvt  -fn "Lucida Console-14" -vb -e /bin/bash --login -i
> Anyone have any ideas on this?  I cannot locate binaries for a
> newer
> version of RXVT, only source which I am unable to compile.

This is a known issue, as it states in the readme.  Check out
/usr/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-2.7.2.README for information on this and how to
compile.  The maintainer is working on getting a new release out, but
he hasn't specified an ETA.  You will probably want to read the rxvt
manual page, as there is an option which disables automatic jump to
bottom on output.


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