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Re: Setting up cvs on Windows 2000

> The problem is in trying to set up my system to behave as a cvs server
> with pserver.  If I do a "telnet localhost 2401", I get
> "connected to [computername]
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host"

When you telnet to port 2401 (the pserver) your not supposed to actually get
a login prompt like telnet or ftp gives you. The pserver will just wait for
the auth protocol. What happens when you try `cvs -d
:pserver:USER@SERVER:/path/to/cvsroot login'?

If that doesn't work you may have a mis-configuration... How did you set up
inetd? Here's my cvspserver directive in inetd.conf:

  cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/repos/cvs

Also have you added the following to your

  cvspserver       2401/tcp


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