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Re: make segfault building cross-glibc with latest cygwin

Dan Kegel wrote:
Short story: make is dumping core on me repeatably under cygwin-1.5.9-1.
Things seem a bit unstable.
Should I roll back to an older version of cygwin?  If so,
which packages should I roll back?

Long story:
I've been adding cygwin support to
so I can build hetrogenous distcc clusters targeting e.g. Red Hat 6.2.
I have a nice automated shell script to do this;
works great under Linux, and I'm slowly chipping away at the problems
under Cygwin.  The latest one is a Heisenbug: a submake crashes,
but only if I don't run it under gdb :-(

One more datapoint: it doesn't seem to crash if I run it under strace, either. And no, the machine is not overclocked... it's been quite stable.

For what it's worth, I tried rolling back make and cygwin; didn't
seem to help (but then, I didn't reboot... hey, come to think of it,
isn't it standard practice to reboot when fixing any windows problem?
Guess I'll try again in the morning.)
- Dan

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