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Re: How to start windows version gvim for cygwin correctly?


* On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 09:30:15PM -0700, Peng Yu <> wrote:
> Thank you for you script. I don't change $HOME, $VIM, $VIMRUNTIME in
> cygwin, because I'm afraid there are some potential conflicts. Do I
> have to worry about that.

Nope. I don't think so.
In the properties of my Windows XP system, HOME is set to c:\Users\Luc
I've patched /etc/profile to make cygwin think it is in fact
Neither VIM nor VIMRUNTIME are set.
I'm currently using gvim to edit this response. gvim has been launched
thanks to cyg-wrapper, and it expands $HOME, $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME into:
    f:\Program Files\Edition\vim
    f:\Program Files\Edition\vim\vim62

The _vimrc used is the one from $VIM (I do not have to say anything to
vim), and the viminfo is $HOME/.viminfo
because of 
    set viminfo=%,'50,\"100,:100,n~/.viminfo
in my _vimrc.

> BTW, what's the best place to store . I store it to
> /usr/bin. Is /bin better?

Wherever you want. Personnally, I prefer $HOME/bin. Thus the day I
reinstall cygwin or use it on another computer, I don't forget all the
little scripts I use.

If I had to choose between cygwin directories, I would use
/usr/local/bin as I install non-cygwin-standard stuff into /usr/local/
-- understand, the stuff I've compiled like mutt, a colored version of
abook, irssi, w3m, librairies, ...

Luc Hermitte

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