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We owe you $821553


Thank you for your m[ort-gage] application, which we received yesterday.
We are glad to confirm that you can qualify for a 3.5% ra[t]e. 

Please fill out the final details within 24 hours to complete the process: 

Frankie Jefferson
Account Manager
Jefferson Holdings Company

browse confound cheesecloth dam twa children abater letterhead bookcase momentous behold fox daimler gagwriter appreciate amnesia hamal premium piece cant admit anything diagnoses inveigle yeats canis embryology chamberlain anion boggy disturbance beograd thunderstorm cream discussant informatica deviant firecracker offend douglas skunk townsmen clothe deploy wad option artisan bunny devil cicada monadic purchase delete impromptu spectral travertine snare aging impatient lagrange shamefaced lath constance vetch chalice ti diploidy behold calculus barley caleb dunk workforce beginner angelina girlie bernhard autocratic clearance cut chump hermitian abash canker hotshot centrist upbring elegant habitant kittenish whack crockett jockey cindy arcing nylon inferred lovelorn driscoll decision theme resent kenney ruination blood frankfurter paperwork vivo planetarium physiology discussion 

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