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RE: test -f occasionally fails on sym links (keychain related)

Hi All...

Cut and paste error...I wanted to say execute

while :; do rm foo; ln -s $$ foo; done

in the first one. The line I used was part of furhter debugging work.

From: "Karl M"
Subject: test -f occasionally fails on sym links (keychain related)
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 09:37:30 -0800

Hi All...

While doing some testing with keychain and the snapshots while getting ready to release a keychain service package (still working on it)...I noticed the following

Sometimes doing a [ -f foo ]; will show a false true while the symlink is being created. You can see this by opening two bash shells and executing

while :; do echo $$> foo.lnk; rm foo.lnk; done

in the first one and

while :; do if [ -f foo ]; then echo here; else echo " there"; fi; done

in the second one.



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