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Re: Re: WFSO timed out after longjmp, data pass 3 failed

	Hi Brian,

thanks for the explanation, it makes a lot more sense now. 

Yes, the system is very busy. This is running on VMWare, and while the
doxygen is running there is a compiler or two running in the virtual
machine at the same time. In addition to that the doxygen process gets
pretty big (> 250 MB), so copying everything over might take a little
while. 5 minutes seems seriously excessive, but I guess I could hit that
limit if a lot of the main process's memory has gone into swap, and if
the Linux build (which is running on the main system) takes longer than
it should and runs into the VMWare build's time slot. So yes it is a
stretch, but in my situation I could actually see it happen.

I'll look into lightening the load on the system and give the doxygen a
little more processor time.

Thanks a bunch


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