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RE: use a NAS-drive in cygwin

----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 22 September 2005 17:40

>> (Or you can omit the password and will be prompted to enter it at the
>> keyboard).
> Actually, you can't omit it, you have to specify '*' as the password
> (i.e.,
> net use '\\server\share' '/U:DOMAIN\UserName' '*'
> will prompt for the password).

  You didn't actually _try_ this before attempting to correct me, did you?
I do this kind of thing a dozen times a week, specifically because I want to
connect to a share with a different user ID than what I'm logged into the
domain under.  Trust me: if it didn't work, I would have noticed.

dk@mace ~/dosfstools/dosfstools-2.11/mkdosfs> net use \\\\ulupica\\SCRATCH
The password or user name is invalid for \\ulupica\SCRATCH.

Enter the password for 'ARTIMI_CAM\Administrator' to connect to 'ulupica':
The command completed successfully.

dk@mace ~/dosfstools/dosfstools-2.11/mkdosfs> whoami

   LOOK MA!  NO ASTERISK!!          :)

[  If you don't supply an asterisk or a password, it attempts to use your
own login p/w, and then prompts you when that fails.  If your own login p/w
happens to match the one of the user you're trying to connect to the
resource as, hey, you just saved yourself some typing!  ]

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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