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Re: exiting vim changes background colour of console

Brian Dessent wrote:

Lennart Borgman wrote:

I do not remember anything about this now, but comparing to my current
PS1 I can see that I has a \] after the last m. I have

PS1=\[\033[32;47m\w >\033[0m\]

That's incorrect. The \[ and \] are to be used only to delineate nonprinting sequences. If you include "\w >" inside them you will really muck up your prompt if you type a command wider than one screen.

PS1="\[\033[32;47m\]\w >\[\033[0m\]"


Thanks very much this! However I still have problem with long commands. I start Cygwin with

    ****** cygwin.cmd:
   @echo off
   set chere_invoking=1
   D:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -i

When the command wraps into the next line then I can not edit the command any more. Is there something I can do about this?

Kind regards,

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