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RE: System Tray

> From: Lst Recv
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 5:46 PM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: System Tray
> Is there a library, or, even better, a command line utility, 
> in cygwin to place an icon on the system tray?
> Would be a great way to do notifications, especially if it 
> supported those tool tip popups.

There are a few libraries (actually example code, it's not terribly hard -
just hard to do right) to do this, yes.  But I don't quite understand your
question.  It sounds like you want to do something like:

put-an-alert-in-the-system-tray.exe --alert-type=stopsign

Is that right?  I'm kind of missing the point though - what happens if you
click it?  Maybe a "--run-this-app-when-clicked=" param would make something
like this actually useful....

I'll have to cogitate on that one, that might actually be a good idea.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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