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Re: Does "^G" work on Windows 9x/Me?

> Sorry to follow up twice on my own message but, I should have read further
> in the MessageBeep description.  It is documented as reverting to the
> system speaker in all cases if the sound could not be played on a sound
> card.

Indeed - on Win98, when I disable the default sound altogether (in
other words, HKCU/AppEvents/Schemes/Apps/.Default/.Default.current/@
is now zero-length), then MessageBeep(MB_OK) did indeed fall back to the
same faint motherboard beep that I was always getting from MessageBeep(-1).

> So, maybe I will just cause the system to use MessageBox(MB_OK) aka
> MessageBox(0).

I think you mean MessageBeep, not MessageBox.

Well, MSDN did document that on NT 4.0, MessageBeep(-1) calls Beep(), which
forwards on to the client, whereas all other message beep parameters are
not forwarded (but talk about confusing language to read). 

Eric Blake

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