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Prompt issue within cygwin

Here is what i am seeing:

v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> >

the duplicate ">" is the issue.  Here is my PS1:

\[\033]61;\u@\H\007\u@\H \W>

as you can see, only a single ">"

This happens in xterm, cygwin bash shell, and my preferred terminal
mrxvt (from

It only just started happening.

It might be related to an exiting bug with tab complete adding a
duplicate character to the end of the line, check this out:

v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> > ls db2Mgr.
db2Mgr.C  db2Mgr.h
v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> ls db2Mgr..
db2Mgr.C  db2Mgr.h
v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> ls db2Mgr..C
v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> > ls db2Mgr.
db2Mgr.C  db2Mgr.h
v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> ls db2Mgr.C
ls: db2MgrC: No such file or directory
v468929@TRD-CAX40JXD ~> >

I've seen the duplicate character before (in this case a period "."),
but only now, with the duplicate prompt character does it cause that
duplication in the prompt to go away.

Again this happens in cygwin bash shell, xterm and mrxvt.

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