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Re: git: Training whitespace error during commit

"Eric Blake" <> wrote in message">
> In other words, _somebody_ (not 
> me) thought that because windows permissions can't be relied on, that
ALL git 
> hooks should be enabled by default; whereas on Linux, where
permissions are 
> reliable, ALL git hooks are disabled by default and you must chmod +x
them to 
> turn them on.  This seems inconsistent to me, but not to the point
that I have 
> complained upstream on the git mailing list; perhaps you'd like to
raise the 
> point there?

Sure, I'm happy to forward your comments.  If the upstream git
maintainers have any follow-up questions or comments, should I post them
back here on the cygwin list?

Matt Seitz
Manager, File System Virtualization
Cisco Systems, Inc.

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