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NFS + Cygwin + SSH + ssh keys => :(


I've been setting up some scripts to help port some stuff we do to windows.

To make it work we need to integrate with NFS shared stuff, so we used
the SFU from MS. Which i understand is a repackaged nfs client et al.
from MKS.

however we couldn't access NFS drives from the ssh shell. I found a
workaround by running something like:

c:/SFU/common/mount.exe X:

in the cygwin bash shell right after login. This works perfectly. and
could be put in the bashrc.

However, when I logged in via SSH with keys enabled (needed to
automate the process) and I try to map the drives, the mapping failed
with an error. The error goes away if you use

ssh ... -o PubkeyAuthentication=no ...

and the drives map perfectly again. I vote that this is the most
annoying bug i've ever seen. anyone know a workaround?

Gerry Steele

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