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RE: Incomplete environ when running MinGW apps?

On 07 February 2008 18:25, Paul Leder wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Out of curiosity, what's the problem with just using system("...")
>> always? 
> I can't, because I need to redirect child I/O onto a socket, which
> requires CreateProcess. The Unix code is (relatively) easy, but it's a
> complete nightmare in Windoze. You have to use pipes as well as sockets,
> it has to be multi-threaded, select doesn't work, and so on.
> I can use 'system' occasionally, but then I have the issues of
> forward/backslashes, extra backslashes, quotes, and so on. I haven't
> really got to the bottom of this. With CreateProcess I at least have the
> option to use /bin/sh, if it exists, which makes life a little easier
> (particularly for quote characters).

  Out of curiosity, what's the problem with just using popen("...") always?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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