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Re: setup.exe needs package name selection filter

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Christopher Faylor  wrote:
> And, observations about choosing a mirror being "annoying" don't really
> help and likely illustrate some fundamental process misunderstanding.
> What would you do if you didn't choose a mirror?  Assume that the last
> one you used was up to date?

Ideally, once I have installed Cygwin, I should be able to say, e.g.,
"install vim", without having to repeat the whole setup wizard.
Obviously if there's no cached copy or it's out of date or the mirror
I picked is out of date, etc, then there needs to be recourse to those
options.  Also I think you're interpreting "annoying" as representing
a greater emotional investment than I had in mind; certainly there was
no "indignation" on my part.  It's really a minor thing, but it grows
out of the overloaded nature of setup.exe.

> Should we be spending a lot of time educating people about this so that
> they can give ever-more-informed suggestions without ever stepping up to
> help?

Honestly, I think more people might step up to help if you didn't
exhibit such a hostile attitude to start with.   I mean, OK, the
majority of us users are just leeches who want to get something for
nothing and complain when it doesn't work exactly the way we want it
to while hardly ever taking the time to thank or praise you for your
efforts.  This is the free-software version of How People Are, an
unfortunate reality that everyone who has to deal with the public in
any capacity must face.  It would still behoove you to accept
suggestions for improvement in the spirit in which they are offered.
Politesse goes a long way; a simple "Thank you for the suggestion;
it's been suggested before, but it's a complex issue.  Please see the
mailing list archives" would have been fine, but instead you started
right in with the snark.

Mark J. Reed <>

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