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Re: canonicalize_file_name

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
> POSIX 200x (which is on track to be approved later this year) has modified
> the requirements on realpath() that NULL be a universally accepted
> argument.

Oh, good.

> Not all vendors comply with this yet, but at some point, it
> will no longer be a GNU extension, but a POSIX-mandated requirement that
> realpath() be able to malloc its result.  This is part of the overall
> paradigm change in POSIX 200x that recognizes that it is legal to have
> paths longer than PATH_MAX

I haven't tested it, but IIRC,  GNU's version doesn't currently
support such paths, either.  It allocates the buffer for you if you
pass in NULL, but it still only allocates PATH_MAX bytes.

Thanks for the info.  Anything to improve that interaction is a
welcome change.  The idea of a "maximum path length" is demonstrably
bogus, while string functions that take a destination buffer but no
size parameter are just plain dangerous.

Mark J. Reed <>

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