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Re: bug in mbrtowc?

On Jul 28 10:56, Andy Koppe wrote:
> 2009/7/28 Pedro Izecksohn:
> > ?The bug is in O.P.'s code as &s is not being passed to mbrtowc.
> >From
> "If ps is a null pointer, the mbrtowc() function shall use its own
> internal mbstate_t object, which shall be initialized at program
> start-up to the initial conversion state."
> The test also fails when passing &s instead. (I'd accidentally left in
> the local mb_state.)

Yes, I checked that as well.  It doesn't matter if the internal or
the `s' state is used.  The problm is actually in __utf8_mbtowc.
It doesn't count a variable correctly which in turn results in reading
too much of the input if a the followup sequence of an incomplete
sequence is itself an incomplete sequence.  My patch sent to the
newlib list (
fixes that.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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