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Re: Design issue with new MS-DOS style path warning?

On 1/22/2010 10:23 AM, Eric Vautier wrote:

AndroidApp BUILD FAILED C:\dev\prj\app4\AndroidApp\build.xml:343: Warning: Could not find file C:\cygdrive\c\dev\prj\app4\Common\target\Common.jar to copy.

My first thought when I see things like this isn't "oh, bad idea, DOS style paths in Cygwin". I think "oh, bad idea, absolute paths hard-coded into a build system". That makes it hard to build on any other system, because it ranges from difficult to impossible to demand that everyone install outside dependencies in the same locations.

There must be a tool you can use to generate the Ant files from something higher-level, which discovers the correct paths to use. That tool could also abstract away the difference in path styles. Something like Automake, Bakefile or CMake, but which knows how to create Ant files.

That's where I'd put my effort, anyway.

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