1. Version 8.5.3 (2010-01-18) Additions and changes * a2x: Added a2x configuration file options ASCIIDOC_OPTS, DBLATEX_OPTS, FOP_OPTS, XSLTPROC_OPTS (appended to same-named command-line options). See [1]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/ac4b9b fa2116db28 * Dropped .hgignore from the repository. See [2]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/c17abd 175778f5ea * Don't pass verbose options to asciidoc table filter so that asciidocapi messages are not discarded. See: [3]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/c17abd 175778f5ea * Added ./tests/data/lang-pt-BR-test.txt file to the repository. * xhtml11: Verse block and verse paragraph content enveloped in a pre tag (instead of a div) so it renders better in text-only browsers. See: [4]http://groups.google.com/group/asciidoc/browse_frm/thread/1b6b66 adb24e710 * User Guide: Clarified Passthrough Blocks (suggested by Simon Ruderich). * FAQ: How can I include lines of dashes inside a listing block? * FAQ errata and updates (submitted by Simon Ruderich). * User Guide errata. * Simplified asciidoc-toc processing instruction and included lists of figures, tables, examples and equations in books (i.e. revert to pre-8.5.0 behavior). * Attempted to have dblatex recognise the asciidoc-toc processing instruction but couldn't get it to work. * Added notitle attribute to allow the document title to be hidden. Bug fixes * FIXED: Regression: system attribute escaping did not work. * FIXED: Website: broken image links in chunked User Guide. __________________________________________________________________